Thank You

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It took me a minute to figure out how to start this, so thank you.

Thank you all so much for giving me the chance to get my work out there. Wattpad gave me the motivation to finish my stories because I have so much support.

And I love writing fanfiction. I love taking these amazing characters and creating something new with their world. I feel like I'm paying homage to their creators' ideas.

...that being said, I don't want to just write fanfiction. I joined Wattpad to write original works and share some of my creations with other people. But do you notice how many original stories I have up?

None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Because every time I post one, nobody reads it. Not only that, but every time I try to show it to someone else in person, nobody cares.

I've read your stuff. I know you guys can write beautifully. And I know how you feel when nobody appreciates that writing.

It's not like I don't love writing fanfiction. It's just that everything I write is Steven Universe fanfiction because with two exceptions, nobody reads anything else I post.

It's really frustrating. It's frustrating that I've only had two books that weren't either Steven Universe or random books that did well. I've written Disney fanfictions like I've always wanted to, but nobody's read them.

I'm really grateful for everything you guys do for me, I just wish I could do something a little different.


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