The exact thing I just apologized for doing

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Yeah I really like doing these, so...

Tsaatr characters as The Front Bottoms Songs!

For reference, I'm using this playlist:

I'm also most likely going to address multiple songs per character.

Let's go!

Opal: Twelve Feet Deep, 2YL,

Sugilite: Swimming Pool, Skeleton,

Sardonyx: Funny You Should Ask, Be Nice To Me, 

Alexandrite: Wolfman, Awkward Conversations, 

Rainbow: Laugh Till I Cry, The Beers,

Pearl: Lonely Eyes, Flying Model Rockets,

Amethyst: West Virginia, Pale Beneath The Tan, Lipstick Covered Magnet, The Plan(f**kjobs),

Peridot: Jim Bogart, Father, 

Lapis: Historic Cemetary, Tattooed Tears, Rhode Island, Legit Tattoo Gun, 

Yellen: Plastic Flowers, Backflip

Yeah, so I suggest you listen to the playlist and all of their stuff. This is only 24 of their songs and the playlist alone has 48(that's twice as much) and that's not even all of their stuff. Have a good weekend.

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