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Auston has got to be the worst human GPS ever. We've been taking wrong turns and going in circles for the past thirty minutes. He claims that he isn't trying to get us lost, but I don't buy it.

"Auston! I'm serious! Tell me the right way to go!" I whine after passing by the same Starbucks we passed ten minutes earlier. Auston starts cracking up in the passengers' seat, almost in tears over how mad I was. But I had several good reasons to be mad! For one, I've been stuck with Auston in a car for way longer than necessary. Two, Auston happens to be the most immature person I've met in Toronto so far. And third, I have no knowledge of the city, therefore the only thing I have to rely on is the idiot sitting next to me.

"I could have sworn this was the right way!" he defends, throwing his hands up. I roll my eyes at him.

"Bullshit! Just please tell me the right way to get to William's from here," I beg, not wanting to spend another second confined in this car.

"Okay, okay. Take this next right," he says, holding up his right hand. I nod in appreciation and follow his directions. We continue down a suspicious looking street, making me skeptical, once again, about Auston's directions.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" I ask him, slowing the car down to look at our surroundings. Auston does the same, however, I can see a smirk beginning to form on his face out of the corner of my eye. 

"Oh shit, I think we should have made a left back there," he says, on the brink of a fit of laughter. That's it. I slam on the brakes, halting the car in the middle of the street. Luckily, there was no one behind us or I would have had to foot the repair bill for Steph's car.

"Jesus, Alaska! Relax!" Auston exclaims, looking at me with bewildered eyes. I return his expression, annoyed that he's telling me to relax.

"Relax? Are you fucking kidding me? Auston, you've been giving me the wrong directions for the past forty-five minutes! How did you think I would react to being stuck in a car with an idiotic headass, lost in the middle of Toronto! So, if you could please cut the shit and give me the right directions, it would be immensely appreciated," I rant, throwing my hands up for the added effect. Auston looks at me for a moment as I try to calm down. He slowly nods and looks back onto the road.

"You're gonna have to turn around. There's a gas station you could-" he stops before in the middle of his statement as I make a U-turn in the middle of the street.

"Okay then. Continue on this road for the next two blocks and then take a right," he says, keeping his eyes on the road in front of us. An uncomfortable silence settles in as I follow his directions. I kind of feel bad for snapping at Auston. I just can't help but get mad at him for some reason. I don't mean to be rude to him, but sometimes he's just so infuriating. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I keep making him seem.

Ugh. What am I saying? I'm definitely overanalyzing the situation. I quietly sigh as I continue down the street, making a right where Auston told me to. I glance over to the boy in the passengers' seat, expecting him to give another set of directions, but he remains slient, looking down at his phone. Alrighty then.

I take a look at my surroundings, trying to find some landmarks I was familiar with. I'm about to ask Auston where I should go next, but I spot the one thing that could make this situation all better: McDonald's. I get into the far right lane then pull up to an empty spot by the curb. 

Auston only looks up from his phone when I open the door and slam it shut on my way out. I start heading towards the entrance of McDonald's when I hear Auston get out of the car.

"Alasaka, what are we doing here?" he asks, jogging to catch up with me. I can't hold back my smile when he appears next to me.

"I'm hungry," I tell him, pointing to the fast food joint a couple feet ahead of us. He breaks out in a grin when he sees where I'm pointing. 

Alaska || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now