Chapter 3

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Boo Woods

The evening didn't come fast enough for Luigi. The rain had finally let up so he and Violet took Polterpup (who they had named Spettro) out for a walk. The green clad ghost hunter had Spettro's leash in one hand and the violet clad ice wielder's hand with the other. Violet smiled, enjoying the nice walk outside. Though there were puddles everywhere and they were getting slightly wet, they were strangely warm since they were in each other's company.

Luigi commented, "I have to say, I'm surprised you aren't cold."

Violet stated, "Like I said previously, the cold doesn't bother me."

Luigi replied, "Well, I'll have to remember that."

Violet responded, jokingly, "That would help."

Suddenly, Spettro tugged on his leash, slipping out of Luigi's hands as he ran off.

Luigi said, "Hey! Spettro!"

Violet told her fiance, "I've got him."

With that, Violet ran off to catch up to Spettro. That's when fog rolled in, scaring Luigi. That was the ONE thing about Boo Woods that scared the heck out of him. And that was the fog that rolled in every so often unexpectedly. What got his attention was the footsteps coming TOWARDS him, splashing in the puddle of water. The green clad ghost hunter looked and saw - emerging from the fog - was a blonde hair girl. She was the same age as him, deep blue eyes, wearing a red dress and red shoes.

Luigi asked, "Hey, what are you doing in Boo Woods?"

The girl answered, "I've come for you."

Luigi questioned, "For me? Sorry, I'm engaged."

The girl stated, "Not for love. For your murder."

The green clad ghost hunter turned white as a ghost as her hand turned into a flamethrower. Luigi jumped out of the way as the flames were under his feet, quite literally. Luigi then activated his green electricity after landing on his feet, getting a surprise that only his left arm was producing the electricity.

Luigi breathed, "What the...?"

"You see," said 'the girl', as it turned into a robot. It was a tall, had a dark red body, and unlike the Eliminators, it was heaver in the chest and its head was smaller - preventing a clean shot at its neck. There was a symbol on the chest of the robot that almost looked like a dragon. It added, " kill Luigi James Manfredi. Younger twin brother to Mario Gregory Manfredi Junior. Youngest son to Mario Gregory Manfredi Senior and Lucinda. Engaged to Violet Jasmine Calico. Used to be apart of Mario and Sons Plumbing before coming to here, the Mushroom Kingdom."

Luigi paled as he asked, "How'd you know that?"

The robot answered, "That is for us to know and for you to find out as we fulfill our master's wishes." Shadows were above Luigi's head as the green clad ghost hunter looked up and saw fleets of airships. The robot added, "And that is to eliminate YOU!"

Luigi breathed, "Oh no..."

The robot activated his other flamethrower as Luigi ran away from them, at a fast pace. He had no idea where he was going but he had to make sure that it was away from those strange robots. He couldn't face them alone and if they were after him, he needed to get away from the kingdom (and everyone else) as soon as possible.

Evershade Valley, Mushroom Kingdom

Meanwhile, Professor Elvin Gadd (E Gadd for short) was working on an all new invention as a green ghost came up from behind. Elvin turned as the green ghost smiled at him. Elvin smiled back as he waved. It was a typical night as Elvin was surrounded by the friendly ghosts, doing his chores. There was a Slammer, a Hider, a Gobber, a Sneaker, and a Creeper. Some of the ghosts had names and the Greenie that waved to Elvin was named Tyler. Tyler looked out the window and saw Luigi running up the pathway. He said something in his ghost language.

Elvin asked, "What is it, Tyler?" That's when he looked out the window and saw the same thing. He opened the door as he asked, "Luigi, what are you doing here, my boy?"

Luigi answered, "Elvin, I've got a problem! Robots have appeared here and are trying to kill me!"

Elvin blurted out, "What?!"

Just then, the door was burned off by the robot that had followed Luigi.

The robot stated, "Give us the man in green!"

Elvin shouted, "Never!"

Luigi activated his green electricity again and yet again, he only got a response from his left arm. But it was enough to get the robot away from Elvin.

The green clad ghost hunter stated, "I told you so!"

Elvin questioned, "But how? And why?"

Luigi answered, "I don't know but we don't have much time before they re-group. We need help on this one."

Elvin stated, "I happen to agree my boy and apparently, the direct approach only works for one robot at a time."

Luigi replied, scared, "I don't know what to do..."

Elvin responded, "I'll alert your brother. You see if you can try to find something that will help."

Luigi asked, still scared, "By myself?"

Elvin answered, "You have to, my boy. Everyone is counting on you!"

Luigi stated, his knees knocking, "On me...?"

Elvin replied, "Including me, my boy. Get some supplies and get back here quick."

Luigi nodded as he headed out of there, worried about leaving Elvin behind.

Unknown location

"HE is a member of Kids Network Studios?"

"...yes. Strangely enough."

"Alright, the Chosen One of the Fairies I believe. But this man in green?"

"I know it is unusual to have someone that looks like that they have NEVER been a hero but this man in green was actually predicted that he's the ideal host for the power of the Chaos Heart."


"It seems unbelievable but it is true. The leader of Kids Network Studios knew what they were doing when they chose their team."

"...if you want revenge on the leader of KNS then why go through the members first?"

"Are you questioning my logic?"

"...I apologize, my leader... I know our plan is to get rid of them first and then take over the world."

"And I suggest that you remember that."


Wishmaker1028: The Kids Network Studios crew is in trouble! Can Luigi get help? Is Timmy okay? More to come soon! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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