Chapter 6

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Dimmsdale, California

Cosmo blurted out, "Amie is the leader of Kids Network Studios?!"

Timmy stated, simply, "Yep."

Wanda asked, "Who is this girl, anyways?"

Luigi explained, "Amie "Am" June Kuhn, a real world girl that met Cosmo at the age of 20. Before that, at the very young age of 10, she found out she had magical powers and it took her longer than a "natural born" magical being to perfect them...almost 5 years. She's had her fair of struggles but she commands absolute respect from the rest of her team."

Poof said, "Poof, poof?"

Sparky questioned, "What are you two gonna do?"

Timmy answered, "If these things are after her, we need to get to the real world first and find out why."

Wanda stated, "We're going with you."

Cosmo added, "Yeah, we wanna help!"

Poof said, "Poof, poof!"

Luigi replied, "I think we should take them, sport. You need the arsenal."

Sparky responded, "Yeah, we can be that for you, Timmy."

Cosmo asked, "Wait, what's that? A girl in North Carolina?"

Wanda answered, "No you idiot! It means we supply weapons for Timmy!"

Poof said, "Poof, poof!"

Timmy explained, "I'm the only one on the team that doesn't have powers so Am refers to me as like a "Robin"."

Sparky stated, "Makes sense to me."

Luigi replied, "Now, let's get a move on. I wanna get us to Buffalo before sun down."

Timmy and the fairies nodded in agreement. Unknown to them, they were being watched...

The Real World

Away from the perils of the cartoon universe was the real world, which had its different perils. And Amie "Am" June Kuhn was the only one that knew the difference. She was twenty-three years old, had short length brown hair, green eyes covered by red glasses, wearing a dark blue shirt with a floral design on it, black pants, and white shoes. She had just finished with another semester at college and was talking a walk down Niagara Street when all of the sudden a porthole opened up behind her. She turned around and saw that Timmy and Luigi arrived...with Timmy's fairy family.

She asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

Timmy answered, "Sorry sis but we have a problem."

Wanda whispered, "That's her?"

Cosmo whispered, "That's her..."

-Flashback: During 'Fairly Odd Baby'-

After Timmy wished for Cosmo to get lost, he stumbled upon some shining gates.

"Ooh," said the green haired fairy, "Shiny!"

Cosmo placed his hand on the gate and the gate automatically creaked open. Cosmo went through the gate...and wounded up in the real world. Cosmo decided to do some exploring and to get more lost! While the green haired fairy was exploring...and getting lost, Amie was studying at her college campus.

Amie was studying for her math test and decided to pack it in and head for home. Amie didn't drive at the time so she started to walk home. On her way to the subway, she ran into a man...and he looked pregnant. Amie shook her head and thought, 'Maybe I'm seeing things.' With that, she went over to the person.

She asked, "Uh, may I assist you?"

"Only if you can tell me why you call bors neigh," the person answered, in a high pitched voice.

'Defiantly NOT a woman,' Amie thought to herself as she knew that the person was a man.

Amie responded, a bit rattled, "Uh, I think you mean neighbors."

The man blinked out of confusion and asked, "Is that the good batch of fire ball burritos or the bad batch?"

Amie said nothing – she was just rattled on how much this guy sounded like... That reminded her!

She introduced, "Uh, anyways, my name is Amie Kuhn." She paused and asked, being polite, "What's yours?"

The man took a long pause before answering as he finally answered, "Uh, it's not Cosmo."

Amie perked up at the reference to 'Super Zero' as she responded, joking, "Sounds like you are trying to be Super Not Cosmo."

He smiled as he gushed, "There's an idea!"

The minute he pulled out a wand, Amie knew that something wasn't right. She decided to get this person's attention.

She asked, "Uh, doesn't Wanda look fat in every dimension?"

The person put down the wand and answered, "That is SO TRUE!"

That's when he busted up laughing. It was then that Amie saw him for who he really was...Cosmo.

"Cosmo," she breathed.

She saw that he was still carrying Poof and she knew that she had to take him in before anyone else did.

-End of Flashback-

Cosmo 'poofed' out as he went over to Amie and breathed, "Am..."

Amie whispered, "Cosmo..."

Sparky heard something and yelled, "Incoming!"

Everyone ducked as the Fire Bots came into the real world, outnumbering them 10/7.

The lead Fire Bot stated, "Amie "Am" June Kuhn. Target acquired for the half magic and half human."

Timmy breathed, "Uh oh."

Poof said, "Poof, poof!"

Wanda yelled, "Run!"

Luigi stated, "We can't, we're surrounded! We led them straight to her!"

The other Fire Bot replied, "Got that right, the man in green. Surrender yourselves."

Amie said, "Timmy, Luigi! Plan beta!"

Timmy and Luigi replied, "Yes Am!"

The two of them jumped up, as the Fire Bots got distracted by them. That gave Amie a chance to make a sword with her magic and slashed the robots while they were distracted with Timmy and Luigi. Wanda, Cosmo, Poof, and Sparky were impressed as they shape shifted into Timmy's gear, if he needed them. Timmy used Cosmo as a bow as he used Wanda as an arrow, taking care of the robot that was below their feet. Luigi activated his green electricity, taking care of the robot behind them as the two boys landed to the ground as Amie had taken care of the other robots.

However, the victory was short lived when a bigger Fire Bot, about twice the size of the regular ones came out of nowhere.

Wanda breathed, "What in the world..."

Cosmo stated, "I think I just wet my pants!"

Poof said, "Poof, poof!"

Sparky replied, "Yeah, we didn't need to know that!"


Wishmaker1028: That's not good! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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