Chapter 11

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Dimmsdale, California

Trixie couldn't understand it. She had been all over her hometown, looking for Timmy, but she was having absolutely NO luck in finding him. In fact, the minute she mentioned Timmy's name, the conversation would turn weird. Trixie looked up at the sky and saw storm clouds.

"Can I help you?"

Trixie spun around and saw a young blonde girl standing behind her.

She asked, "Yeah, do you know where a Timmy Turner is?"

The blonde girl glared at Trixie (making shivers go down the Asian teen's spine) as she answered, "Timmy Turner, you said? Sorry but he's currently stepped out of this dimension."

Trixie whispered, "This dimension? What do you mean?"

The blonde girl replied, "That is none of your business but you will come with me."

Just then, the blonde girl's right arm turned into a flamethrower, surprising Trixie. The blonde girl produced a flame as Trixie quickly dodged it. The blonde girl kept producing the flame as Trixie ran from the blonde girl, completely confused and stunned. Trixie kept running until she got to Lover's Lane Peek. That's when she realized that she was trapped and an unknown porthole had suddenly appeared.

Trixie breathed, "Oh no."

"Go ahead and jump." Trixie turned around and saw the "girl" behind her. The blonde girl then turned into a Fire Bot and added, "There is NO hope for your world or for the Kids Network Studios crew."

Trixie whispered, "Kids Network Studios crew?"

She looked at the porthole again as she thought, 'I don't know what's going on but I should jump or this...thing will get me.' Trixie closed her eyes as she jump off of Lover's Lane Peek and went through the porthole. As she went through, her mind remembered the terror of the Darkness battle.


-Flashback: 'The Exciting Middle Part'-

After Timmy wished a unicorn for Trixie, the Darkness started to suck in everything.

Chester yelled, "I don't mean to interrupt this greedy slash romantic moment but...there's a whirlpool of death coming for us!"

With that, Timmy took the wand out of the rocks as he ran over to the holster and he shouted, "Now say goodbye to the Darkness...forever!"

Timmy slammed the wand into its holster. It created a pulse, forcing Timmy to the ground, rather harshly. Everyone watched as the wand extended up and did nothing. Jorgen had a terrified and surprised look.

The head fairy stated, "This isn't right... It should be firing a laser that blasts back the Darkness or something but it is not firing the laser!"

Just then, the Darkness started to suck in everyone: Trixie, A.J., Chester, Terrance, Tamara, Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, Crocker, Vicky, Dark Laser, and Jorgen. Jorgen slammed down his wand to give him some leverage.

Jorgen yelled, "Turner, just say the word and I'll poof us out of here!"

Timmy pointed out, "But, no matter where I go, the Darkness will follow me!"

Terrance asked, "What does it want?"

The Darkness responded, "Timmy Turner..."

Timmy finally answered, "I think it!"

That's when Timmy ran up the chain made out of his family, fairies, friends, and enemies.

His parents cried out, "Timmy, NO!"

Timmy stopped on his mom and yelled, "I've got to stop the Darkness once and for all!"

That's when he continued to climb, finally getting to Trixie.

Trixie asked, "Timmy! How's my hair?"

Timmy answered, "Perfect." That's when the two of them kissed. But the kiss ended too soon as Timmy turned to the Darkness and yelled, "You want me, Darkness. You got me!" That's when he turned back to Trixie and said, sadly, "So long, Trixie."

That's when he unwillingly let go of Trixie's hands and started to fly up towards the Darkness.

Trixie yelled, as loud as she could, "TIMMY!"

As the Darkness swallowed up Timmy and flew off, everyone was in shock.

Everyone cried out, "TIMMY!"

Trixie shed a tear as she commented, "He saved us all."

Vicky cried out, "I'll NEVER call him a twerp again!"

Mark wrapped his "arms" around her and flirted, "There, there Vicky. Let me hold you and comfort you and make out with you..." That's when Vicky punched him in the stomach as he added, "I lack air."

That's when Jorgen spoke up as he told everyone, "The Chosen One saved us. Now, we must save him!"

At that moment, he 'poofed' up a rocket.

Dark Laser pointed at it and asked, "That's big. Are you sure you know how to fly it?"

Jorgen pulled out a remote and answered, smugly, "Does this your question?"

That's when Jorgen pressed the button and the space ship took off...without them on it.

Terrance commented, pointing up at the blasted off rocket, "Um, we probably should've been on that..."

Jorgen just yelled, "DANGNABIT!"

-End of Flashback-


Trixie's POV


The scream of that was almost too much for me. I almost lost everything that night. Timothy "Timmy" Tiberius Turner meant the world to me and that night made me realize it. I didn't know where this porthole was going to lead me or if Timmy was going to be on the other side or not but I knew one thing for sure. I had to find him and help him with whatever crisis was taking place. Timmy Turner was my soul mate...and I knew that from the Darkness battle and my birthday he spent with Timantha Estelle Brown.


Wishmaker1028: Yeah, she knows! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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