Chapter 4

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Thwomp Volcano, Mushroom Kingdom

Luigi had finally stopped running, completely out of breath. When he realized that he was at Thwomp Volcano, he had noticed that he had lost those robots that were after him. 'Well,' he thought, 'that's SLIGHTLY good news.' The man in green then noticed that he was in Elvin's old lab that he, Mario, and Violet visited in the past during the Shroobs attack. Granted, even though that they shouldn't have been messing around with time in the first place, Luigi thought it was great to see his mentor in his prime.

As the man in green looked around for anything that could help him to help him, he heard an electronic buzzing behind him. Luigi turned around and saw a robot there. But it was nothing like the robots chasing him. In fact, this robot looked...different. Luigi timidly went over to it, his knees knocking.

He asked, "W - who are you?"

The robot looked at him with its blue eyes as Luigi was able to look it over. It was a silver/gray colored robot with spiked shoulders. Its helmet was shaped strangely.

"Must...find...the...Chosen...One," the robot said, struggling against the machinery that held it at bay.

Luigi breathed, "The Chosen One? Who's that?"

"The humans call him Timmy Turner," the robot answered.

Luigi gasped, as he whispered, " in trouble... Grand, as if I didn't have enough problems." He then turned to the robot, activating his green electricity (which only activated in his left arm again) as he questioned, "What do you want with Timmy anyways and are you working with those Fire Bots?"

"I know not what these Fire Bots are," the robot reassured, "But my orders are to find the Chosen One and bring him to my master, the Darkness."

Luigi lowered his left arm as he stated, "The Darkness has been defeated. This is the Mushroom Kingdom, a different dimension and the Chosen One does NOT live here."

"Then how do you know about him," the Eliminator questioned, a bit confused.

Luigi hissed, bringing his left arm up again, "I believe you are in NO position to be asking questions. My dimension, my rules."

"Databanks conclude that you are Luigi James Manfredi," the Eliminator stated, "The man in green and the perfect host for the Chaos Heart."

Luigi replied, trying not to be scared, "That was a long time ago. I'm no longer THAT man."

"Yes," the Eliminator responded, "I do not sense your alter ego inside of you. Just a man that's been scared forever and refuses to tell his brother about his nightmares."

Luigi immediately lowered his left arm as he stammered, "H - how'd you know about that?"

"Quite oblivious that you are carrying a heavy burden," explained the Eliminator, "That you are an agent of Kids Network Studios ever since the first mansion incident and that those Boos made you see THAT of all things."

Luigi deactivated his green electricity as he fell to the floor, crawling away from the Eliminator on his hands and feet. He started to cry, trying not to scream at the images he saw so long ago.

-Flashback: 'Hearts Be True'-

The green clad ghost hunter ran through the haunted mansion, with the violet clad ice wielder lagging behind him, freezing the ghosts that were following them. When the ghosts were too much for Violet to keep up with Luigi, she let him go ahead of her. As Luigi looked all over the mansion, he got to the Telephone Room and heard one of them ringing.

Luigi picked it up and answered, "Hello?"

When no one answered, a flash of lightning caught his attention. Luigi looked up and instantly froze. There, in front of him, on the wooden wall was his shadow suspended in mid-air from a tree with a rope around the neck. The green clad ghost hunter fell down, landing on his butt, memorized by the shadow that seemed to be mocking him. Luigi panted, a cold sweat dropping from his head as the shadow disappear with the lightning. Luigi was on the ground, shaking and was in complete and utter terror.

-End of Flashback-

He panted, breaking out of the flash, "I w - won't b - break d - down..."

That's when he heard glass breaking.

"What was that," the Eliminator asked.

Luigi barely got to his feet as he looked out the window. That's when he saw that the Fire Bots were coming.

The green clad ghost hunter answered, "The Fire Bots are coming. I have to get out of here, they outnumber me 5 to 1, at least!"

"Then go see the Chosen One," the Eliminator stated.

Luigi breathed, "Timmy... Not a bad idea. ...but how?"

"Allow me," the Eliminator replied, sucking Luigi into the porthole from the Darkness.

As the Fire Bots arrived, the Eliminator pretended to be powered down. The Fire Bots saw him but seemed to pay him no mind. The Fire Bots moved as the Elimniator powered back up, hoping that Luigi made to Dimmsdale safely. It got rid of the machinery holding it as it was about to love Thwomp Volcano.


The Eliminator turned the Fire Bots behind it, pointing their flamethrowers at it.

"Yes," the Eliminator asked.

"Where did you send the man in green," the leader of the Fire Bots demanded.

"Dimmsdale," the Eliminator answered, figuring that they couldn't get there.

"Well, we should get there quickly and kill them both in the same dimension," the leader of the Fire Bots stated, as it burned the Eliminator, destroying it.

With the melted metal on the ground, the Fire Bots left the Mushroom Kingdom for Dimmsdale as Elvin and Violet watched in total horror of the exchange of the two robots.

Violet breathed, "Luigi..."


Wishmaker1028: Luigi has left the kingdom! Can he find Timmy and warn him? Only one way to find out! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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