Chapter 5

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Dimmsdale, Californina







The green clad ghost hunter slowly opened his eyes and standing above him was the one and only, Timmy Turner. Luigi sat up, rubbing his head as the fairies and Sparky appeared. The six of them were down in the Timmy Cave.

Wanda asked, "Wait a minute here, sport. How did you know his name?"

Timmy ignored Wanda as he asked Luigi, "You okay?"

Luigi answered, "Yeah but that's the last time I go through a porthole made by an Eliminator."

Timmy grumbled, "As if I didn't have enough problems."

Luigi got up and responded, "Relax, I think it went offline thanks to those stupid Fire Bots. Main reason I'm here, btw."

Cosmo got in on this as he said, "Right on man, bmw's are the best type of cars!"

Luigi went by Cosmo and mumbled, "And this is why he's off the team."

Wanda perked up at this as she questioned, "What team? Who are you and how does Timmy know you?!"

Sparky added, "Yeah, what's happening?"

Poof asked, "Poof, poof?"

Timmy ignored his fairies for the most part as he commented, "They are here too."

Luigi went over to the computer and asked, "Have you tried to fight these things head on?"

Timmy answered, "Yeah and we lost badly."

Luigi stated, "I haven't faced them but they know about us both through our connection to the studios."

Timmy replied, "Bad, VERY bad."

Wanda shouted, "WHAT IS GOING ON!?"

Timmy and Luigi flinched at Wanda's scream but both of them managed to recover.

The pink hatted boy stated, "Okay. Geez, no need to blow off our ears. The studios we're talking about is Kids Network Studios, the web show that not only provides news but also helps in certain situations. There are multiple people on the team: Ben Ten, John and Pete, and more. Luigi and I are in the 'main hub', if you will. Meaning if something happens to the leader, I step in. If something happens to me, Luigi steps in."

Wanda put up her hands as she questioned, "Okay, wait. So you two only met through this web show...? Not through our magic?"

Luigi answered, "Well, technically, yes."

Timmy added, "See, it all started just like another other day..."


It was another typical day. Timmy was running away from Vicky at his usually fast pace. Even though Timmy was the slowest kid in school, he could still keep up with Vicky pretty well. Timmy slammed the door on Vicky as Cosmo 'poofed' in, looking charred up.

Timmy asked, "Hey, Cosmo. What happened to you?"

Cosmo answered, "Well, I just came from the real world. You won't believe who I'm working with!"

Timmy asked, curious, "Who?"

Cosmo answered, chirper, "Her name is Amie!"

Timmy raised an eyebrow at this but before he could ask another question, Vicky started to use her chainsaw to get into Timmy's bedroom.

She yelled, "I'm coming for you twerp!"

Timmy, in a panic mode, quickly wished, "I wish I could meet Amie!"

Cosmo waved his wand and with a 'poof' the two of them were gone. The door to Timmy's bedroom crashed down and Vicky saw that her favorite twerp was gone...

"Twerp," she called.

In another 'poof', Timmy and Cosmo reappeared in a dining room of some kind. There was Scooby Doo stuff in one corner of the room; a table, a china cabinet, and a workstation were a laptop was sitting. Timmy saw someone behind in the computer chair that looked like a woman.

"Hi Amie," Cosmo said.

Amie turned around and saw Cosmo. She had not seen Timmy just yet.

"Oh, hey Cosmo," she greeted, "Where have you been?"

"I went back to my world and I brought someone who wanted to meet you," Cosmo answered, pointing to Timmy, "As you know, this is my godchild, Timmy Turner."

"Ah, Timothy "Timmy" Tiberius Turner," said the woman, "A pleasure to meet you in person."

Timmy asked, "Are you Amie?"

She nodded and answered, "Yes, my name is Amie. Amie June Kuhn. Born on October 28th, 1990."

Timmy asked, "So, you're an October baby?"

Amie smiled as she answered, "Yeah...and you are a March baby." Timmy raised an eyebrow to this. Amie saw this and giggled a little. She asked, "Cosmo didn't tell you, huh?"

"He just told me that this was the real world," Timmy answered, "But, that's all I know."

Amie nodded and responded, "Well, this is the real world. And in this world, you and your friends are all fictional characters."

Timmy's head was spinning and asked, "Are you saying that we don't exist?"

"To quote Doctor Emmet Lathrop Brown played by Christopher Lloyd from 'Back to the Future'," Amie answered, "Precisely!"

At that moment, Timmy started to do freak out by doing weird things with his face and making weird sounds. After he was done, he fainted.

Cosmo told Amie, "I told you he was cool."

Amie sighed, annoyed. It was just the start of something amazing.

-End of Flashback-

Luigi finished, "You see, that event lead to these events. Those Fire Bots are after us and they will do anything to hurt our leader."

Wanda asked, "But who's your leader? And why would anyone want to hurt them?"

Timmy answered, "We don't know whom would try to harm the leader of Kids Network Studios but one thing is for sure...if they want her...if they want Amie...they'll have to come through the two of us."


Wishmaker1028: Things are getting interesting... Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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