Chapter 13

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Evershade Valley, Mushroom Kingdom

Elvin blurted out, "What?!"

Violet replied, "It's true, Elvin. This girl is from another world and I think there is more out there."

Trixie added, "Please, Professor E Gadd, you have to help us!"

Elvin responded, sadly, "I'm sorry, I can't do anything without knowing Luigi or this 'Timmy' is."

Violet whispered, "Oh no..."

Trixie told them, "I hope Timmy is okay..."

Unknown Location

Amie finally knocked her former friend to the lava rock underneath their feet. Timmy and Luigi had finally finished off the robots as the fairies appeared.

Wanda stated, "That was easy."

Poof said, "Poof, poof."

Sparky replied, "Yeah, too easy..."

Cosmo said, "Cumber?"

Timmy turned to Amie and asked, "Am? What's your opinion?"

Amie answered, grabbing Daniel by the collar, "My opinion is we throw this piece of trash into headquarters."

Suddenly, the place started to shake.

Luigi questioned, "What's happening?"

Daniel showed them a pen as he explained, "My own device. This whole place is going to blow in less than 2 minutes and you don't have a prayer."

Amie shoved Daniel away from her as they saw more Fire Bots coming towards them.

Wanda commented, "Oh no..."

Poof said, "Poof, poof."

Sparky stated, "This should easy with fairy magic."

Cosmo asked, "Fairy magic? Is that a sweeter?"

Timmy answered, "No it isn't!"

Amie stated, "Wish us out of here!"

Luigi added, "Now!"

Daniel hissed, coming towards them, "Oh no you don't."

In that moment, Daniel came towards them in a flying huff as Wanda, Cosmo, Poof, and Sparky poofed them out of the hideout. They arrived outside where Daniel pinned Amie down on the ground, rather quickly. Amie reacted and kicked Daniel off of her. As she entrapped him in a magical cage, the Fire Bots in the other dimensions started to disappear.

Evershade Valley, Mushroom Kingdom

Elvin, Violet, and Trixie were surrounded by Fire Bots until they suddenly disappeared.

Elvin commented, "Oh my..."

Violet asked, "What just happened?"

Trixie smiled and answered, "Our boyfriends just happened!"

A few days later

Luigi was glad that the entire situation was under control. Granted everything went back to normal in his dimension but Timmy's dimension was allowed to remember things while Luigi's was not.

Luigi asked, "Why are they allowed to remember, Am?"

Amie answered, "Mainly because they are ready, wing man. You're dimension isn't quite there yet."

Luigi questioned, sitting next to his best friend, "When do you think we'll be ready?"

Amie smiled as she replied, "You'll know soon."

With that, the half magical being left the dimension, knowing that Luigi would have his friends and family remember one day.


Wishmaker1028: That ends this! Sorry if the ending was short but it wrapped it up nicely. Stay tuned for Land of Hearts, coming next! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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