Chapter 9

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Dimmsdale, California

As the rain came down, Trixie was watching it with a sad look. For the past three years, she had been thinking about only one person. Timothy "Timmy" Tiberius Turner. Trixie remembered the battle with the Darkness and was afraid how to tell Timmy.

'Tell him,' one of her thoughts was.

'I can't, he'll lose his fairies,' another thought was.

"I have to tell him," Trixie said aloud, "I have to tell Timmy the truth!"

With that, she left her mansion and her puzzled parents behind, not knowing that Timmy was in danger.

Mushroom Kingdom

In Luigi's own dimension, Violet was running around from the Fire Bots that had taken over most of the kingdom. She was looking for Luigi. But she had no idea where he was. Mario was with her as he turned to her.

He asked, "Where is he?"

She answered, "I don't know..."

Mario stated, "We have to find him and stop these guys."

Violet replied, "Right."

With that, the two of them took off running again, leaving the ruined kingdom behind.

-Flashback: 'Hearts Be True'-

King Boo zipped inside the painting and before either Luigi or Violet knew what was happening, Bowser's cavernous mouth opened and began creating a vacuum that Luigi or Violet could not escape from. The couple yelled in terror as they were sucked into the painting with the Secret Altar dissolving before their very eyes. Luigi assumed that he must have temporarily blacked out.

Because the next thing he knew, he was standing on the Mansion rooftop with his surroundings a fiery inferno and Violet was next to him, her eyes closed. Luigi shook her as she quickly woke up. Once Luigi knew that she was alright, he whipped out the Poltergust 3000.

Luigi yelled, "Where are you, King Boo?"

Violet added, yelling, "Come out and fight us, you coward!"

A voice called out, "Coward? Look who's calling who a coward."

Both Luigi and Violet barely had enough time to scrabble out of the way before something heavy crashed onto the roof behind them, breaking tiles beneath its crushing weight. Violet spun around and saw Bowser there. Luigi shuddered on the spot with realisation of what he was about to fight. Bowser snarled and breathed fire, presenting himself as a formidable challenge to anyone stupid enough to try and take him on, or indeed mock the Koopa King. Bowser grinned and made a show out of each one of his powerful, striking claws.

A Poltergust 3000 would be no use against those sorts of weapons and no small ice powers could work on him at all. And yet something was not quite right about him. It was as if his head did not fit upon him properly; requiring a tighter screw when jarred upon impact with the roof. Luigi or Violet did not have the chance to figure it out any further though. Bowser launched a violent stream of fire against the plumber and the ice wielder, causing Luigi to throw Violet behind the relative safety of a pillar. Luigi had to dodge again when Bowser charged into him, crushing several pillars as if they were children's sandcastles.

Violet got immediately worried about her boyfriend. She saw that Luigi was suddenly caught by Bowser's suction power.

Violet wondered aloud, "Where he was supposed to have got that skill from?!"

Luigi yelled, "Not sure but it is dark in here! Vi, help!"

The green clad ghost hunter's cry of pain went unheard, trapped as he was between Bowser's large set of sharp fangs. It was also unbearably hot due to the flames that usually erupted from his insides. As he struggled to get out, King Boo floated up behind him and bit into his skin with a long fang. Luigi screamed in horror and in pain, the sound muffled by the Bowser robot. King Boo twisted his fang, making the pain more severe as blood started to come down from his back. King Boo would've done more but Violet rushed over as she punched Bowser in the stomach with all of the strength she had.

Luigi was spat out but before he could make a single move, Bowser roared and set him alight with another terrible blast of red fire. Luigi was slightly knocked out as his shirt was drenched with his own blood...

-End of Flashback-

Unknown Location

Wanda traced the scar on Luigi's back, after he had told them his story and had lifted up his shirt. The scar was long and was in between his shoulder blades, going all the way down his back.

Cosmo whispered, "My gosh..."

Wanda stated, "That's terrifying..."

Poof was just in shock as Sparky added, "I don't think he should've heard that..."

Timmy stated, "Granted but I'm surprised that you got past Violet with that scar on your back."

Luigi replied, "Wasn't easy but when Violet burned down the mansion with Lydia's will, I asked Elvin to check over me last. I told him what had happened and that I didn't want Violet finding out. I still don't but that scar is permanent now."

Poof snapped out of it and just breathed, "Poof, poof..."

"Master," said a Fire Bot, gaining their attention.

Timmy, Wanda, Cosmo, Poof, Sparky, and Luigi hid as the Fire Bot went by them and went into a room up ahead. The six of them followed, not knowing what to expect.

During all of this, the master of the Fire Bots and Amie were completely alone. The master of the Fire Bots was about the same height as Amie, wearing a dark long sleeved red shirt with green buttons and a white lining on it, gray pants, black shoes, a red cape, a silver mask over his face with two red marks near the eyes, a gray fedora on his head, and white gloves.

"Amie June Kuhn," said the master of the Fire Bots, "You look VERY well."

Amie hissed, "Be better if you cut the bull and get to the chase."

"Brim and fire," stated the masked man, "Just as I remember you."

Amie perked up at this as she asked, "Do I know you?"

"I'm surprised that you don't recognize your own handy work," said the masked man, taking off his mask.

Amie squinted her eyes as she gasped, "No, it can't be!"


Wishmaker1028: Who is it? Find out soon! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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