Chapter 10

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Unknown Location

Amie wasn't sure of the how but there, standing before her, was her first friend in the world. Daniel Louis Ramirez. Course, he was now 18 years old. Amie barely recognized him since right half of his face was burnt off. The other side of his face was a smooth cream color, while his one brown eye was filled with pain and cold hostility towards his former friend. His orange hair was longer on the left side of his face. Amie couldn't believe it as she gasped.

"Daniel," she asked, in shock.

He answered, "Surprised you remember me. After you graduated and never returned, I had to face the school bullies on my own. I never had powers like you but I had the knowledge to surpass everyone. However, one of the old foes that we faced in the past together returned. I had to face him alone, without you. And I wounded this. So I vowed to get my revenge on the one person that I knew that started this whole thing. You. So, for the past 11 years, I've been planning for this moment in time. To see what my "best friend" thought of me."

Amie hissed, "If you want to talk about being betrayed, your getting NO sympathy from me. You never came to say goodbye to me. So I left you behind, vowing I would never to return to those who had hurt me. That's why I cut my long hair before turning 15. To show I was done with the past. Seems like I'm not just yet."

Daniel stated, "You wanted to bury me in the past. Fine. Then allow me to do the same."

Amie closed her eyes as she braced for an impact but it never came. One of the Fire Bots came in first.

"Master," it said, "The prisoners have escaped."

"What," Daniel hissed.

That's when Timmy, Luigi, Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, and Sparky came in.

Timmy started to say, "Alright, hold it right..." That's when he saw the leader and gasped, "Daniel?"

Wanda asked, "You know him?"

Cosmo stated, "He sure doesn't look too healthy."

Daniel turned to Amie and asked, "Why them? Why save them and NOT me?!"

Amie answered, feeling smug, "I thought we already went over that."

Poof said, confused, "Poof, poof?"

Daniel yelled to the Fire Bots, "Destroy them and then I'll get rid of her!"

Sparky stated, as the Fire Bots surrounded them, "This doesn't look good..."

Timmy converted Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, and Sparky into his weaponry as he started to fight the Fire Bots. Luigi used his green electricity but knew that they were out numbered.

Luigi added, "Not good. If only we can get in the air..."

Amie yelled, "Weegie! Wing man!"

Luigi asked, "Huh?"

But before Amie could say anything else, a Fire Bot grabbed him by the waist. As he struggled, he thought more about what Amie told him. 'Wing man,' he thought. Suddenly, his arms started to glow of his green electricity, slicing the Fire Bots arms - setting him free. Timmy looked and saw his friend standing over the lava rock, his green electricity making wings for him.

Timmy breathed, "Whoa, that's what Am meant! Wing man!"

Luigi looked at his arms and saw what he created. Smiling, he flew over to help Timmy by air. Daniel saw this as he was just flustered and pissed.

Daniel turned to Amie and asked, "You have faith in the man in green but not in me?!"

Amie answered, "You betrayed me! You left me without a friend in the world - you left me to die!"

Daniel hissed, "NO! You left me to die!"

Amie stated, "Let me go and let us battle in a way that decides it."

Daniel finally gave in and let her go from her bonds. Amie rubbed her wrists, activating her magic. Daniel charged at her as the two of them started to fight hand-to-hand first. As they were fighting, the two of them remembered when they last saw each other.


A nine year old boy was having a good laugh with his fourteen year old best friend. They were Daniel and Amie, respectfully.

Daniel stated, "Man, I can't wait for the weekend!"

Amie giggled as she replied, "Yes, me either." She turned sad and added, "But you do realize that I'm going to graduate next week, right?"

Daniel turned sad and admitted, "Oh yeah...I forgot."

Amie stated, "It's not like I want to go but it is time for me to move on."

Daniel replied, "I guess so."

Amie gave him a small smile as she responded, "Doesn't mean we can't still be friends. We can exchange numbers on Monday."

Daniel told her, "I might not be here Monday. I'm going to my aunts in Rochester."

Amie said, sadly, "Oh."

Daniel added, "But I'll be here Tuesday."

Amie smiled at him as she asked, "Promise?"

Daniel smiled at her and answered, "Defiantly! Promise!"

Amie giggled at her best friend's energy as Daniel got off of the school bus. The weekend went by fast, as observed by Amie. Tuesday came and the fourteen year old took a snowflake magnet that she got at the Christmas bizarre last year and decided to give it to Daniel when they exchanged numbers. Amie got on the school bus as a few minutes later, they arrived at Daniel's stop. But the red head boy wasn't there. Amie immediately turned sad as she clutched the magnet in her hand, completely heartbroken at losing her only friend in the world. Leaving the magnet behind in her homeroom, she went to go graduate with her class.

-End of Flashback-


Wishmaker1028: I do remember this. Worst day of my life. Anyways, please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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