Chapter 8 - There's glass in my foot...

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McKenzie's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night wrapped in Nate's arms. I assumed that it was still night because it was dark outside. I turned slowly not wanting to wake him up and looked at the clock, on the bedside table, it was 3:41 a.m. Something else I should mention I'm used to waking up early because of my dad. If I got up earlier I could take a shower and have breakfast before my dad would wake up. I could leave and do things before dad got up to save a beating. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I was scared even though my dad was on the other coast. I look at the clock again. 4:30. Okay I might as well go and take a shower. So I slowly got up went to my suitcase grabbed my clothes as everything else I needed was already in the bathroom. I showered and put my clothes on. I was wearing a black bra and over that I had a black mesh long sleeve shirt the said 'Hate Me' on it with black ripped skinny jeans and black converse. 5:30. Okay that only took me an hour, figuring that Nate wouldn't be up for awhile I went to go and do my make up. I didn't usually wear make up on my face unless I was covering something up. In this case I didn't need to cover anything up but we were getting the vamps tonight from the airport, and then tomorrow we were going to start spending time with them.

I started to apply my make up and then my dumbass self dropped a whole bunch of stuff and broke a couple things. That woke Nate up he was scared, and looking for me because he heard me crying because in all of that I broke a glass perfume bottle and stepped in glass. Nate saw me crying on the floor and was about to come over to me but saw there was glass on the floor. He stopped and went to the second bed in my room and grabbed a the thick blanket off of the bed. He rushed over and laid the blanket down over the glass, he carefully helped me over to the second bed and laid me down.

"I'm going to go get Levi, then we will take you to the hospital. Don't move" Nate told me.

"Okay," I replied while wincing in pain.

I heard mumbles through the connected door and then my worried shirtless brother carrying a sweatshirt came in. He put on the sweatshirt and went to grab my phone and my hotel key card. Nate was still wearing his clothes so he just put on his shoes.

"I'll change when we get back I'm going to go call an uber." Nate said while standing up.

"Were you getting ready early in the morning again," I nodded "and did you drop your perfume bottle," I nodded "and did you step in the glass while trying to clean it up?" I nodded.

"Levi you know me too well" I said laughing slightly.

"Okay I'm going to go grab a towel to wrap your foot in" Levi said walking to the bathroom.

I am going to cause so many problems on this tour. In less than 24 hours I've been to the hospital twice. I am so stupid, I should just go home. I don't want to ruin this for Levi, he loves this and him having to watch over me is going to ruin his fun. But if I go home I'll hurt his feelings, I guess I have to stay. It's not horrible I guess because I don't really know what's going on at home. Levi came back with a towel, he wrapped my foot in the towel and grabbed some tape so he could tape it around my foot. You see I didn't put on my converse yet because we didn't leave I set them down by the door with my socks. Nate grabbed my empty backpack put my shoes, socks, and phone in it. He said the uber was here and asked if I wanted anything else. I said no and Levi picked me up Nate opened the door and grabbed my backpack. I handed him the keycard to put in the bag. He did and the whole ride to the hospital was silent. Well minus my wincing in pain. It didn't feel horrible, I was just freaking out because there was glass in my foot.

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