Chapter 11 - Are you fucking serious?!?!

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McKenzie's POV

We all started walking to the mall, Nate came up and held my hand. For a minute, I forgot my problems and just smiled at the world knowing only the people with me could see.

Nate and I walked up to everyone else in the group and then Maddie came by us.

 "You two are so cute together! I love it!!" Maddie said giving me a hug, and then turning to Nate, "Mom almost didn't let me come I was so worried. She said it was something about my homework and grades and shit, but I got my grades up before Kacey, Alayna, and I went on senior trip. So she finally agreed to let me come with Kacey and Alayna."

"Well that's good it would've sucked ass if you couldn't have come." Nate said laughing and I giggled.

"It really would've, I wouldn't have gotten to meet a badass." I said to Maddie between laughs. We all started laughing and ran to everyone else.

We all went in a few stores and ended up shutting down the mall. We were walking back to the hotel when something happened. We were a block away from the hotel. Someone jumped out at me and cut my arm in a few different places. I pretended like nothing happened, that is was just a bug or something, until we got to the hotel. That's when the boys saw, the girls just went to Joe's car to get their bags.

"What the fuck when did this happen Mickey?" Levi yelled in frustration. He wasn't yelled at me he was just upset because it happened. But I still took a step back, yelling just scares me so much.

"I don't know, but it was probably Tyler." I said as calmly as I could, even though I was shaking in fear. I mean I am terrified of getting yelled at. Levi and Nate both hugged me.

"Come on let's go upstairs and get you cleaned up Baby Blue," Nate said calmly as he and Levi lead me upstairs.

Austin waited for the girls and Drew followed behind while taking the key cards out of his pocket. He opened the door and went through to his room and came back with a plain black t-shirt.

 "Here you can use this to wrap up the cut. I'm assuming the girls are staying in this room. Kinnie you sharing a bed with Nate?" Drew said.

"Umm yeah I guess so, for sure tonight." I said as Levi cleaned my cut and Nate ripped off a piece of the shirt.

There was a loud knock on the door Drew went and opened it after Levi and Nate quickly got me a sweatshirt and tied the piece of t-shirt around my arm. I put on the sweatshirt before Drew opened the door. Drew already moved my bags over to the other room, so I just decided to go to bed.

 "Hey I'm pretty tired I'm gonna go to bed but I'll see you guys in the morning." I said. Before I got up Nate told me he was going to be there in a minute and kissed me. I stood up and walked to Nate's bed. I plugged my phone in and laid down waiting for Nate. I fell asleep right away but woke up when Nate came and laid down next to me. He put his arm around me, kissed my shoulder, and said "I love you firefly." I turned around and kissed him and said I loved him too. I fell asleep in his arms and I think I was smiling.

Brother's Band (Nate Parker The Tide fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن