Stepping out of the Shadows

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Stepping out of the Shadows; Down Goes Dumbledore.

*time skip*

"Eet iz time, Potter and Dumblydore just left for ze fake." Boa said as she met up with her sisters outside of the Slytherin common room. Cobra nodded and turned towards the wall whispering the password for it to open. As she walked in she and her sisters, viper and boa, sent up loud bangs that sounded like gun shots. The house members instantly jumped to attention as the dark trinity stepped into view their hoods hiding their faces from everyone, but they knew who they were. They had heard the whispered fears that surrounded the girls.

The tallest one stepped forward away from her sisters and spoke in a thickly accented voice that caressed the students minds as if she was speaking to them all using their minds. "Eet is time, children under fifteen lock yourselves in your rooms and do not come out till ze older students come back for you. Our junior death eaters it is time to prove your worth to the dark lord. Eet is time for battle grab your robes and be ready to attack as soon as you hear ze cry for war come from ze teachers, understood?" Nods were met with Vipers speech and she pulled her hood back smiling showing her pointy needle like fangs. "Good. Now if Draco, Theo and Blaise would follow me and mon sisters that'd be perfect."

The three boys walked shakily forward following the sisters out the door preparing themselves for the task ahead of them.


As the sisters and the three friends made their way through hogwarts stunning teachers they came across to make sure as little teachers could fight back as possible the trinity were talking with the wards letting the wards feel their old magic that ran through their blood hoping to make them alter slightly so that they would aid the dark fighters rather than the light fighters.

The girls turned on the silent boys sharply and looked at them their lilac eyes softening slightly. "Eet vill all be okay. If you boys are unable to finish ze task ve three vill be taking ze headmasters life. Do not be afraid of not being able to do it, ze dark lord does not expect you to do Eet he is just seeing how loyal you are and if dumblydore would be able to turn you back." The boys seemed to let out a breath at the realisation that they would have the trinity as a back up plan, the unbeatable trinity that struck fear in to the hearts of even the most powerful wizards.

Slowly the girls and boys started walking again as they passed secret passages from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts they opened them allowing the death eaters to enter the castle. They met the dark lady at the bottom of the astronomy tower and bowed to her. She smiled at them. "My children tonight is the night we all will reveal ourselves are you ready? Bella shall come and collect you from here after the deed is done. When you get to the great hall I ask that you raise your hoods and have your glamours on, drop them only when I step forward to announce myself okay?" The girls and boys nodded and with a swift good luck the dark lady left down the hallway skipping happily and letting out an evil cackle. She would soon be able to drop her hideous old aged glamour to return to her true forever form of her youthful face.

The six teenagers heard the pop of appiration and smiled at each other. The trinity raised their hoods and followed the three boys up the stairs blending into the darkness their vampire blood coming in handy here. They stayed in the darkness and allowed the boys to disarm Dumbledore who had stupidly hidden Potter under the stairs in his invisibility cloak frozen.

Dumbledore stood talking to the boys about redemption and being able to save them the boys were clearly not falling for his words but they would not be able to kill him and that was obvious to the three girls. So quiet as the vampire magic allowed them they walked up behind the boys morphing the shadows around them to keep them out of sight till the very end they decided they wanted to be seen.

Stepping out of the shadows (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now