Stepping Out of the Shadows

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Stepping Out of the Shadows: Power is intoxicating

As the triplets stepped out of the fire they were greeted by a very agitated Dark Lord. They stopped briefly to hug Minerva and offer Hydra a quiet greeting before moving into the room more and greeting the Dark Lord.

"Bonjour my Lord!" Cobra called as the three bowed deeply to the obviously irritated man, which the four other teens quickly copied. "I do 'ope Pansy 'as not been giving you too much trouble." She simpered slightly sarcastically.

The dark lord's mouth was pulled into a very thin line as he looked at the three young vampires in his floo room. Without a word, the man looked towards Hyrda, who was chuckling, and gestured for him to remove the spell he had placed earlier. The young Heir waved his wand, cancelling the silencing spell he had placed on the room. As soon as the spell had been lifted the screams of Pansy could be heard as she fought to get out of the dungeons with everything she could.

"May I ask why I have a screaming seventeen-year-old witch in my dungeons?" The dark lord asked, wincing as the screams got louder and more high pitched.

"Isn't Draco with 'er?" Viper asked as she took the Dark heirs arm and had him escort her towards the dungeons.

The dark lord agitatedly followed her trying to hold down a grin at her antics. The Valentino triplets were something special, they were ruthless and had a mean streak a mile wide but they were also funny and sarcastic and they treated him with respect without being scared or cowering away from him. The Dark Lord found this was a nice difference from his other followers who could barely meet his dark red eyes without whimpering, some even going as far as to pee themselves when spoken to. Tom Riddle wished some of them would just grow a backbone and be as ruthless as his inner circle.

The two remaining triplets fell into line beside the Dark Lord gesturing for the other teens to follow them. They walked swiftly through the dungeons, the other teens noticed the almost soundless way the triplets walked and shivered, they would hate to be on any side against them it seemed almost impossible to believe anyone would survive a fight against the three young warriors.

When they reached the dungeon Draco sent them a relieved smile as he stepped away from Pansy's shackled form. Her wrists were red raw from where she had tried to pry her shackles from the wall, she was still screaming even though her voice had gone hoarse.

Cobra's eyebrows furrowed, it mimicked an innocent look that Minerva had always felt was very deceptive. "She 'as only been 'ere for a few hours non?"

Draco nodded, rolling his eyes. "She's terrified out of her wits, won't stop screaming and trying to rip her arms off with all the escaping she has been trying to do."

"Maybe you can tell us why she has been brought here in the first place?" The Dark Lord said again, trying to get an answer from the Valentino's.

The Valentino's ignored him as Viper started circling the terrified young woman. "Could you not stun 'er?"

Draco shrugged. "I thought you might want her to suffer after what she said." Viper's smiled adoringly at Draco.

"Ooh, you know me sooo well." The Dark Lord's attention turned immediately towards the young girl.

"What did she say?" He asked, this time in a tone that was a less playful mentor tone and more a Dark Lord who wasn't playing games anymore tone.

"She 'as been trying to undermine our authority since we 'ave started training her." This caught the attention of everyone in the room as they all turned to look at the sobbing girl on the floor. "Sly comments 'ere and there zat we were kind enough to ignore until she finally went too far." Viper started circling the crying girl. "I will not listen as I am called a filthy half-breed over and over again and I will definitely not hear a word spoken against mon Sisters. We 'ave dedicated our lives to your cause My lord and we 'ave done everything you 'ave ever asked of us but we refuse to teach this prejudiced bitch." Vibra spat on Pansy as she continued to cry and beg for forgiveness.

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