Stepping Out of the Shadows

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Stepping Out of the Shadows: Training Begins

The Valentino Triplets made their way through the castle that belonged to the dark lord, Slytherin castle. Following behind them were the three boys, Theo, Blaise and Draco. "Where are we going?" Draco asked Viper, who turned to him and smiled in her vampire like way. "Ve're starting your training now."

She opened the door and led her sisters and the boys down towards the dungeons. "But this is the dark lords castle and we're going down to his dungeons." Blaise observed looking towards Cobra for an explanation. "Very good observation, Blaise. Ve have some visitors and ze dark lord vould like some answers."

The boys shared uneasy looks but followed the girls who walked gracefully down the steps, almost floating down them. They stopped in front of two cells that were split with a line of iron bars and each were occupied by two red haired boys with dark obsidian eyes. "Fred and George, zo nice of you to join us." Cobra said smiling at her two former brothers.

The boys looked up at the three girls who would have been their friends and younger sister. "I don't know what we should call you, we don't know your names anymore." Fred said, leaning back against the bars in a faux relaxed pose. Boa stepped forward and smiled at the twins, she had always like them they were diabolical and mischievous and had an unchallenged talent in potions and defence. "Ve are ze Valentino triplets, I'm Boa, this is my younger sister Cobra and my Older sister Viper."

"Luna." George breathed, moving closer to the bars. Boa's eyes snapped towards George and softened. "No my name is Boa, Luna Lovegood never existed. Neither did Ginerva Weasley or Hermione Granger." Boa said sternly looking at George, who nodded and sat back mimicking the same pose that Fred was sitting in. "What do you want then? Surely you would know that we haven't been allowed in any order meetings."

"Look we have a job to do. We were told to get information from you we can do it the nice way or the dark lord will send down Ms Black." The two boys shrugged, and viper turned around to the other boys. "The first lesson we will be teaching you is how to extract information from someone without the use of force, the black sisters enjoy force but we have a better method."

At this she turned to the twins and raised her wand, immediately the twins sat up abandoning their false relaxed nature. "What are you going to do?" Fred asked, looking nervously at the black bone like wand that was pointing towards him. It was then that he realised just how deep these girls had gone to hide their real identities, they had even masked their wands, he idly thought about how that might be a good joke product before facing the wand that wasn't Hermione's wand but instead this womans.

"It's a funny thing you know, the mind. The things you can do to a mind without even cursing you. What we do isn't illegal in fact it's used in mental healing in France to make you face your worst fears. It's used in the Auror programme also while training recruits. Watch: somnum exterreri." She whispered pointing to Fred who immediately started screaming and writhing on the floor crying out to George, who was banging helplessly against the bars begging the girls to take the curse off.

The three other boys moved forward almost entranced watching Fred pry at his skin screaming and trying to bat away what ever it is that he was terrified of. The spell was cancelled out and the three girls looked to each other before turning around and facing the black family and their respective lovers who had come down to the dungeons. "Stop torturing them, we were watching your lesson under disillusion charms but something has happened." Severus said taking a precautionary step forward with a hesitant Bella behind him. The three Valentino triplets immediately started to protest.

"Ve have been given a job! Ze dark lord wants us to extract information from zese blood traitors, surely you are not going against his wishes uncle sev?" Cobra hissed dangerously, her eyes daring him to betray their dark lord. "Don't be silly girl, you know as well as I do that I am loyal to the dark lords cause. I am your guardian and would prefer if you would treat me with that respect cobra." Severus hissed giving her a disapproving glare.

Stepping out of the shadows (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now