Stepping Out of the Shadows

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Stepping Out of the Shadows: The start of a New Beginning

The news of the death of Albus Dumbledore had swept the nation and left the wizarding nation of Britain and Ireland in a deep shock. What was worse was who had been the killers of the beacon of light, three teenage girls who had been trust explicitly by the resistance group sitting around the table in the burrow.

Molly Weasley looked around at her 6 children feeling sick. Bill was sitting rubbing his fingers over Fleur's hand seeming it better to comfort himself rather than his soon-to-be wife, his face was horribly scarred and Molly could clearly see the red raw bite mark left on her son from that horrible beast of a man fernir Greyback. Molly felt slightly sick realising that now her oldest son was kind of one of those beasts.

Her eyes turned next to where Charlie was sitting slightly away from the family, there was no lying to herself anymore, she knew Charlie didn't feel as comfortable around the family anymore. She also knew he didn't want to stick around for this war, and could she really blame him for that? She wanted him to stay and help but the mother in her was so glad that maybe at least one of her children would be safe.

Her eyes quickly sought out her twins and Percy who were sitting side by side quietly conversing with each other. Percy looked drained, almost as though he hadn't slept in years. His face worn well belong his years as his eyes kept wandering over to the three empty seats across from him. Her twins, Fred and George, the light in her darkness always making her laugh, were not looking like their usual selves. Their bright brown eyes that reminded her so much of her brothers Fabian and Gideon were not slight with the mischievousness and laughter that they normally were, they were almost lifeless grey as they tried feebly to make jokes to cheer up Percy, this worried Molly as she wondered if it was happening. Finally giving up when they got no reaction the twins sat back staring aimlessly around the room, avoiding the empty seats scattered around the table where friends and family members use to sit.

Finally her eyes landed on her youngest boy, her Ronald. Who was sat next to his best friend offering his silent support even though it was he who needed more support right now after losing his own younger sister a long with his best friend. His bright blue eyes were sad and dark but there was a spark in them that held anger, a spark that would soon burn brighter than any fire and completely consume him. But that was for a later date, a date no one knew was coming but would cause heart break beyond belief.

Allistor Moody stumped in growling at everyone who had the audacity to look upset. "I understand that you are all hurting after the large betrayal we just felt, but we need to move on and find a way to protect the Order, our members are no longer safe!" Molly glared at the old Auror and snapped at him. "If you haven't realised yet we just lost our leader and were dealt a rather big blow after we were betrayed by not only Hermione, Ginny and Luna or what ever the hell their names are now but also by Minerva, the most senior member of this whole fucking operation right after Dumbledore and by Sirius Black, who's house was Order head quarters and is still his therefore so are all the plans we have left there and all the Orders Belongings! We might as well give up! The most trusted members of this whole operation have betrayed us! They've been betraying us for years-"

Harry glared coldly at the woman. "Give up? Why would we give up? Would Albus Dumbledore really give up we are fighting in his honour, we lost our plans? So what we make new plans! These imposters have been passing information for years and we are still standing we have an upper hand now they are no longer passing information we can get them we can win this war I refuse to give up!" There were nods around the table as everyone nodded feeling a little more empowered they could do this, they knew they could.


In a place not as far away as the order thought, there were celebrations being held as the dark side celebrated their win against the light. "Three cheers for the people who made this all possible." Came a roar from one of the lower ranking death eaters, raising his glass towards the valentino triplets who smile mean little snake smiles their fangs peeping over their bottom lips. Bellatrix ran over and held her three god children close kissing their cheeks. "Your parents would have been so proud of you girls, you are truly a marvel." The girls closed their eyes tightly as they held firmly to their godmother, who rightly should have raised them, and thanked her. Severus snape slipped over and grabbed his newly returned love around the waist. "We are immensely proud of the young girls you have become." Severus said bestowing them with one of his rare smiles.

The three girls watched happily as their God parents wondered over to where the blacks and Malfoys were all standing and conversing laughing merrily as Sirius joking grabbed Lucius in a headlock making the blonde aristocratic man stomp on the Black Lords foot. They were interrupted again as they felt the presents of the three boys behind them, Draco cleared his throat awkwardly and nodded to the girls- Woman -Respectfully. "We have to thank you, we don't think we could have gone through with it."

Boa waved away his gratitude smiling slightly. "It's okay, that was a rather hard test it was only to test your loyalty we were always meant to step up in the end. To kill Albus Dumbledore as your first kill would be a death wish especially for those who aren't trained enough just yet. " the boys looked offended but conceded to the girls point. They were not trained killers yet but one day they would be and they'd rise through the ranks of the death eaters faster than any death eaters ever had. "We shall be your trainers for the next couple of months and we shall prepare you for the final battle." Cobra to,d them, smiling widely. "So your training begins first thing Monday morning 6 o'clock sharp. We don't take lightly to late comers." With that the three woman walked away and joined the rest of the inner circle who stood conversing with Voldemort as though he were an old friend.


The three girls joined the group of the older wizards smiling pleasantly as they were offered their congratulations. The Dark lord and lady smiled down at them before announcing to the group that there was a surprise raid organised just for the inner circle members as a celebration. "We are going to the burrow tonight, we need to torment them some more and also we need to get rid of a few more.. troublesome members of the order." Voldemort smiled and turned on his heel his most trusted followers following after him, a buzz of excitement surrounding them as they prepared them selves for the battle ahead.

They apparated straight in to the garden, the order hadn't had time to eliminate the girls from the wards yet and so they were still keyed to the wards greeting the order by alighting fire to the cosy burrow. The members in the house came piling out of the house screaming with terror and grief as they watched the house burn to the ground.

Molly wailed in despair and released a chubby arm from her cloak brandishing her wand and locking Narcissa Malfoy in a duel who was quickly joined by her sisters who ran to aid their sister. The Black brothers fought off Remus Lupin and Arthur Weasley with an ease that no one had seen before, the brothers almost had a mental link it would seem as they worked flawlessly together in battle. The other order members were quick to engage the rest of the inner circle with a ferociousness that had the inner circle chuckling.

Ron and Harry stood on the outskirts of the battle watching for the three girls the wanted to lock in battle most and they spotted them looking at the battle between the order and inner circles with actual enjoyment that sparked in their eyes. They walked around the battle watching the girls intently trying to sneak up on them. "Did you really think it possible to sneak up on three half vampires?" Viper hissed whipping around and quickly wrapping the boys in binding ropes. They sneered at the boys before throwing the killing curse towards Auror Moody who had tried to sneak up on them as they talked to the boys, the old wizened Auror fell to the ground his glassy eyes unseeing.

The two boys screamed in grief and struggled against their bonds as Voldemort called for his troops to return to their celebrations. The girls grinned but they weren't done yet, as they were passing they grabbed to stunned form of the Weasley twins before apparating back to the celebrations. Their last sights were the horrors truck faces of Harry and Ron and the bleeding form of Molly Weasley falling over one of her dead sons bodies trying to reach her twins. "Don't worry mummy dearest, we'll take good care of them." Cobra laughed harshly before disapparating away from the destruction caused by her and the inner circle. Leaving behind a more broken Order than before.

The attacked killed most of the older Order leaving behind new and untrained members to try and help the remaining original members to pick up their broken pieces. The day where the leader of the light died and the wizened Order members died would prove to be the start of a new beginning.

Stepping out of the shadows (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now