Stepping Out of the Shadows

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Stepping Out of the Shadows: The Arrival of the Fledgling.

Charlie had tried to resist, he'd tried so hard to resist going to the trinity, but they'd been right. He was irrevocably a vampire, it had started off as simple things, the sun stinging him not so much that it was unbearable but enough to be annoying, an inhumane speed that showed itself as he ran after little Teddy Lupin. Then it had escalated, a craving of blood that seemed unbearable and one morning he had woken up with sharp pointed fangs that had made Ron back away in fear and his father flinch.

"Dad." Charlie's muffled voice spoke urgently to his father, he had been having trouble talking around his fangs. "The month is nearly over, it's getting hard to resist them. Have you made a decision?" Arthur looked wearily at his son and then called in his wife. "Molly, we must tell Charlie."

Molly sighed and wandered further into the sitting room, leaving a wide breadth between her and Charlie as she walked over to her husband. She thought Charlie hadn't noticed, but he'd noticed everything, he'd noticed how she could barely look him in the eye, how his father flinched every time he came close, how Ron avoided him, how Bill wouldn't speak to him, how Harry couldn't even hide his disgust, how there was always an empty chair between him and his family members at the kitchen table and to tell you the truth Charlie was sick of the treatment, he never asked to be given the curse.

"Your father and I have decided that we will continue to fight against them." Charlie stood up, anger filling him in protest. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you not hear the warning? They will destroy the family, who will be next? Will they have the twins come and kill Ron? Have Bill turned into a full werewolf? Have Percy kidnapped? Do you not care what will happen to us, your children?" Molly snarled at her son. "We will not turn our back on the light because some teenage vampires think they can get the best of us."

"They already have!" Charlie roared. "They infiltrated this family at the age of six, they tricked all of us with magic we couldn't even imagine possessing or wielding! They tricked your all mighty Dumbledore and killed him at the age of sixteen, they have already bested us many times for Go-" he choked on the holy name, his throat burning. "For Merlin sake, they've already bested us. They're going to destroy our family."

Molly looked at her son in disgust. "You want to join them." She didn't shout, she didn't put it as a question, she just knew she stated it as a fact. Charlie deflated, his fingers curling into fists as he stared his mother in the eyes. "If you haven't noticed mother, I have been turned into a vampire." Molly refused to look at him. "You won't even look at me, just look at me." Molly shook her head as Arthur squeezed her hand. "LOOK AT ME!" Charlie shouted, desperately looking at his mother.

Molly snapped her head towards him and took a step back in fear, Charlie's usually bright blue eyes were an eerie yellow colour and his fangs were bared as he breath heavily, looking angrily towards his mother. "You're no son of mine." Molly said slowly, her lip curling. "My son died when that vampire bit him." With that she walked out of the room and left Charlie gaping at Arthur who coughed slightly before turning to his son. "We couldn't imagine wielding the power they have, that is correct. But you can."

The two Weasley men sat through the night devising a plan to get back at the Valentino triplets, Charlie would leave during the night and seek them out and infiltrate the dark side himself, if they couldn't bring them down from the opposite side they'd do it from the inside.

-Prince Manor-

Cobra walked briskly towards where her sisters sat with the dark heir, Hydra, He was somewhat of an uncle to the triplets. "Charlie will come to us tonight, we must talk to the twins." She said quickly, turning away and making her way up the stairs, the sisters nodded towards Hydra before following their sister to where the twins sat in their mother's parlour. "Sorry to interrupt." Boa said quietly as they entered noticing that the boys were talking with their mother.

Stepping out of the shadows (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now