CHP.2 - That's A Big Ass Wolf

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My body immediately became more alert, the chance of a possible meal had my wolf perking up in excitement too. I began sniffing more eagerly, taking deep inhalations as I moved. Sorting between the varying forest scents of dead tree debris and other forest animals I stalked toward the smell of my rabbit. The scent becoming more and more clear as I moved along the cold forest floor.

My ears perked up, ready and listening for the slightest noise. That's what made rabbits easy prey; they make so much noise it's almost hard to miss. After a few minutes of quite stalking I heard it; the rustling.

I lowered my head, crouching my body as I continued to move forward. Almost sliding my belly along the ground as I stalked silently through the bushes. The thick leaves slowly began to thin out as I neared a small cleaning. And in the very middle sat my target.

My rabbit.

It's little brown shape too occupied scratching through shrubbery that it hadn't noticed the large predator watching; she hadn't noticed me. My muscles coiled with built up power, ready to launch. My breathing slowed as I prepared myself to pounce. Then I launched. My hind legs ejecting me into the space.

The rabbit had no time to react before my jaws snapped shut around its neck. The satisfying crunch of snapping bones was heard, before the metallic taste of warm blood washed over my taste buds and coated the inside of my mouth. My wolf hummed at the feeling of a successful hunt.

I begun eating immediately, my body ravenous for food. The rabbit wasn't much, it wouldn't keep me full for long, but it was something. And in times like these everything counts. I devoured the rabbit in a few minutes, leaving only behind some scraps for scavengers to pick.

The smell of my recently eaten catch would have travelled through the forest by now, and soon other predators will come lurking; looking to snatch the remains. With my hunt completed and my belly more full I tracked back to retrieve my bag when I heard it.

The sound of a branch snapping.

I halted in my steps immediately, my ears perked up as I waited for another sign of confirmation. I prayed it was just my overactive imagination. My prayers were left un answered when another distinct snap sounded from behind me. I spun towards the noise, my body crouched low, as I readied myself for an attack. My instincts slowly became more feral as I allowed my wolf control more control. She had better survival instincts than me, and I knew she would do anything to escape.

Capture just wasn't an option.

Growling echoed through the trees as a large group of 8 wolves emerged from the thicket. The shrubbery that had hidden them parted as they approached me. The wolf in front released another aggressive growl. It was powerful, deep and full of dominance. Not quite an Alpha's growl but still demanding and my wolf nearly whined in submission. She was un easy around such a dominant wolf so I quickly regained control from her.

The sight of the group intimidated me. These weren't any wolves. These were warrior wolves. Large in stature with their grey pelts that shimmered in the morning sun, they were well groomed. And obviously, well trained. It would be impossible for me to out fight 7 of them and a Beta / Delta. My only chance was to tuck tail and run as fast as I could. It wouldn't be likely I could escape. But fuck, would I try.

With my plan set in my mind I turned on my heels and took off. My manoeuvre caught them of guard as I could hear no movement. Until they all launched after me at once.

My surprise move had given me a good head start, thirty meters maybe. Maybe enough for me to lose them.

A loud howl resonated from behind me. A tracking howl, meant to signal others of my location. Meaning there were more wolves out in the woods and looking for me. How the fuck had I managed to get myself into this situation?

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