Let it begin

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I walked down the streets holding my axe in one hand and my mask in the other. I ran over to Luke's front steps and rang the doorbell. Luke opened the door and invited me in.

I sat down next to Lauren as we all watched the TV anxiously waiting for the announcement that the Purge is about to begin. We all seemed pretty nervous except for Jack and Ben who seemed excited. My phone buzzed again from the Unknown.

You better watch out. You better watch your step, keep your head up. Cause I'll be watching you from every angle. You can't run nor hide from me. I'll find you.

I let it go thinking it was nothing, but it was the Purge so it had to mean something, right?

Luke's mum came in offering snacks and stuff but none of us ate much, we were all to nervous to eat.

Then it started.


"This is not a test,
This is your Emergency Broadcast
Announcing the Commencement
Of the annual Purge.
Sanctioned by the US government.
Weapons of 4 class and lower have been authorized for use during the
All other weapons are restricted.
Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted amunity from
the Purge,
And shall not be harmed.

Commencing at the siren any and all crime (including murder) will be
legal for 12 continuos hours.

Police, Fire, and medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow
morning at 7:00 am
when the Purge concludes.

Blessed our New Founding Fathers
And America.
A Nation reborn.

May God be with you all." The lady spoke. We waited for the sirens to alarm and on their cue they started. We all stood up and headed for the front porch.

We placed our masks and hoods over our heads and said goodbye to Luke's mum. We all walked out in a huddle, Jack and Ben leading the way.

"Does everyone have their target?" Ben asked we nodded. "Tell us who and we'll go find them, I know where they'll be." Jack said smirking behind his mask.

"Hannah Stock." I said.

"Skylar Dunn." Michael said.

"Charlie Murin." Luke said.

"Michaela Green." Calum said.

"Joshua Nickles." Lauren said.

Both Jack and Ben nodded and announced their targets two, two nerdy boys in their grade that were often bullied. Not the best way for them to end their lives but the sooner the better.

All of a sudden we heard a gunshot from behind. We whipped around quickly and saw exactly what we didn't want to see. We saw a man standing on top of a girl with blood splattered all over her, and he was looking right at us.

"Fuck." I mumbled. I looked over at Lauren who looked like she was gonna pass out she was so scared.



We turned around and sprinted as fast as we could. I didn't even bother to look back until I heard a scream. I turned my head for a split second and saw a girl and girl fight, them both punching and stabbing each other right in the gut, girl fight.

A car swerved in front of us and was in flames. Ben and Jack lead us into an alley and hid. The guy ran past us and we all slowly got out of out hiding places. "Guys I'm scared." Said Lauren biting her lip trying to not cry. "Buck up would ya!" Michael snapped.

"Guys we need to get to our targets before someone else does so who should we go after first?" Luke asked changing the subject.

"I don't wanna kill anyone." Ashton whispered. All heads whipped his way. "What?" Jack snarled. "I don't kill anyone, it feels wrong." Ashton repeated a little louder. "Ashton it's okay you don't have to if you don-" Luke said before being cut off. "You're gonna kill someone Ash! Wether you like it or not!" Jack said.

Ashton backed down before we heard some knife sharpening from behind. Ben whipped around and started stabbing the guy and then took Lauren's crowbar and brought it down on his skull.

"Holy shit." I said in shock as blood poured from his head. "Lets go before anyone finds us." Michael said stepping over the lifeless body. We all agreed and walked away from the alley.

Then something we didn't expected happened.


I heard Lauren grunt but I didn't really pay attention to it until she spit up blood on Luke's back.

"Ah! What the fuck?!" Luke said feeling his back. I looked at Lauren and there way blood dribbling from her chin. Her hands were over her throat and blood was seeping through her hands. She coughed again and more blood came up.

She started to stumble trying to keep up with us before she fell down. "Guys!" I said as we all gathered around Lauren. We picked her up and placed her down on the side of the alley.

"Lauren what's wrong?" I asked shaking her. She finally let go of her throat and out came a little knife. "I couldn't see all that, I wanted to get it over with." She mumbled. "Lauren! No! It's okay! You'll be okay! Everything will be o-" I said before her cold hands fell against mine. Her head was tilted and her eyes were still open. The ends of her hair were soaked in blood. And she was cold and pale, gone.

"Lauren! Please Lauren! Stay with me Lauren! Don't leave me!" I yelled shaking her. Tears threatened my eyes so I just let it out. "We have to go!" Michael said looking panicked. "What?! We have to go?! My sister just died and we have to go?!" I yelled my hands bawling into fists. Michael showed Luke something on his phone and then looked out into the distance. His sad expression turned into a scared one.



What do you think is wrong? Why do they have to leave in such a rush?

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