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"So.. what shall we do now?" Skylar asked clapping her hands together. I shrugged, "I dunno, what you wanna do?" I asked. She smirked and smashed our lips together, her lips tasted so familiar. After a good amount of time if making out I heard a familiar voice laugh. "Wow! They must reallyyyyy like each other!" Jess laughed. We pulled apart and both glared at her. "Jess!?" Sky exclaimed. "Skylar!" Jess yelled. They both ran up to each other and hugged each other.

"Oh my god! I haven't seen you in forever!" Jess said. "Me either! How are you!?" Sky asked hugging her again. "I'm a little frazzled, you know- it's the Purge." Jess chuckled. Sky nodded and waved me over. "Cal, this is one of my best friends, Jessica- she prefers Jess though." Sky introduced. "We've already met." I said. "Oh." She said looking between me and Jess.

"Is something wrong?" She mouthed. I shook my head and looked at Ashton who was looking around looking for fellow Purgers. "Jess why were you crying earlier?" I asked trying to break the silence. She looked worried once I asked that. "Well.. um I-I" she said. "Sky? What happened?" I asked a bit more forcefully. "Well um... you know how like.. Charlie was sending creepy texts messages?" She asked. "Yea.. Michael got some. Why?" I asked. "I got some but.. they're not from Charlie." She said her voice a little shaky. "Then who are they from?" Ashton asked. She looked back at her phone reading a text over again.

"His names, Harry?" She said. A gunshot sounded in the air.

"That would be me."


"Ashton, run." Jess said starting to tug on me. I just stood there frozen looking at the gun with blood smeared all over his face. He was waving around a gun and holding a knife dripping in blood in the other hand. Why does this always have to happen? I turned around to start running but we bumped into someone. Another Purge. Great.

He picked up Jess. "Let me down! You fucking slimy dick I said put me down!" She screamed. I punched the guy and dropped Jess, honestly dropped Jess, and walked over to me. He started to punch me and I did the same, I couldn't really see because he was also punching me in the eye. "Calum!" I heard Skylar scream while I fell to the ground.

I felt a sting pain whip across my cheek. I felt the area and when I pulled back my hand there was blood. My body became to feel numb after that, was this what dying feels like? I didn't even realize where we were until he started to hold my head underwater. I started to scream for help but after all of that it seemed worthless. I felt myself slowly die.

Once it's happening it's not as scary. Everything around me became to get darker, it was like seeing through a straw that gradually got smaller by the second. Then I felt myself slip into the
Dark. Finally,

Peace and Quiet.


"Michael, do you hear that?" Tara asked. I stopped for a minute to listen. "No." I said before walking again. She pulled me back and stopped me. "I swear to god I hear something." She said. "Really, cause I don-" I said being cut off by a familiar scream. "It sounds like Skylar!" She said. My jaw clenched. "Skylar." I said clenching me teeth. "Um.. Mike? You alright." She said. "Skylar!" I yelled letting out my anger.

"Woah! Michael, it's okay! What's going on?" She asked. I let out a yell of anger and hit a trash can with my axe. She grabbed me by my shoulder. "Mike. What's wrong?" She asked again rubbing my back. "My target." I snickered. "Michael stop!" She yelled while I started walking in the direction of the scream. She jumped on my back and wrestled me to the ground.

"Michael Gordon Clifford! You need to calm down somebody or something's gonna get hurt! You need to stop." She said. "It's the Purge! Everyone's hurt!" I cackled. I don't know what came over me. "Why do you hate Sky so much?" She asked still pinning me to the ground. "She was my Ex, remember, I caught her cheating on my with that douche?" I said. "Oh.." she said remembering. "Yep, I remember that." She said.

"I'm sorry Mike, but that was in what? Eighth grade? You need to let it go." She said. "I won't let it go once she's dead." I mumbled. "Mike." She said getting closer to me. Her blue hair draped around us. "You need to let it go." She said. "Fine." I lied.

"You promise?" She asked. "Promise." I lied again.

Why do I always lie?


I kept my space from Charlie, to be honest I was kind of scared of her when she was mad- she crossed her arms and looked straight forward, like she's in a staring contest. It's kinda scary because when you talk to her either she keeps looking forward or her head snaps in your direction and she glares at you, wonder where she gets it.

"Charlie?" I asked trying to break the silence. "What?" She sneered. "What's your full name?" I asked. Her head whipped in my direction, just as I suspected. "Why?" She asked sassily. "Because I wanna know?" I said not knowing really why I wanted to know her full name. She sighed a kissed off sigh. "Charolette Elise Murin. Satisfied?" She asked.

"I'm quite content." I said sarcastically.

"Hemmings, where do you think your brothers will be?" She asked still trying to control her temper, I don't think that's her forte, at least in my opinion.

"I don't know. I already said either down low or up high." I said. She rolled her eyes. "You know, you roll your eyeballs so much that your eyeballs might fall out." I sassed. She gave me an angry look, but it really scared me this time. She charged straight at me and pinned me up against a wall. She whipped out a knife from her pocket and pressed it up against my throat.

"I can still kill you Hemmings! One more 'sass' from you I will plunge this into your shoulder and then cut off your small dick and then scoop out your eyeballs!" She screamed. "My dick is not small," I informed her, "it's over six inches." I smiled. She pressed the knife against my throat a little harder, her grip tightened around the collar of my shirt, and her elbow jabbed harder into my chest.

"Hemmings! One more peep from you or a swear to god!" She screamed. I just smirked, did I mention that it's kinda funny to get her mad but you have to face the consequences? She death stared at me for a good minute or two before she let me go. She dropped the knife to her side and continued walking.

"Do they have any targets?" She asked. I nodded afraid if I speak she'll actually kill me. "Who?" She asked. "Julian Anderson and Xander Iels." I said. She nodded. "I know where they live." She mumbled. We walked to an apartment building and climbed many stairs to get to their floor. "They should be together, they're best friends." She said starting to pick at the lock.

Guess she's an expert at that from escaping many detentions.

We heard a click and flung the door open. She stepped back a bit- scared of what was gonna happen. I stepped into the room that smell like blood and saw two figures handing by the ceiling, knives sticking into them from every side. I recognized them. Wait, no. It can't be.

My brothers.

The Purge {5sos Fanfic} Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя