
"Michael stop!" I yelled. I rammed into him knowing that he was going to try to kill Skylar, I would let him but Calum loves her and needs her; if he loves her that much I'll let her stay.

"Fuck off Ashton!" Michael growled pushing me off him. I piercing scream came behind Michael but I didn't see who it came from, well, until a girl with blue hair jumped on him and tackled him to the ground. "Get the hell off me Tara!" Michael yelled shoving her off him. She fell to the ground and he started to walk towards Skylar again.

Jess slapped him and he seemed a bit shocked at first. "Who the hell are you!?" He snapped.

She sarcastically responded with "Jessica! Lovely to meet you too!" He rolled his eyes and pushed her out of his way. "Michael stay away!" Calum yelled shielding Skylar from him. "Calum why the hell are you protecting her!? Just let me fucking kill her!" He yelled.

"Michael." I tried to reason.

But before I could Calum cut in, "she's my girlfriend!"


"Y-your what!?" I roared. I glanced over at Skylar who was shaking in fear. "What the hell is your problem with her!?" Calum yelled. "She cheated on me with some fuck hole! She's gonna do the same to you too if you don't let me kill her!" I yelled. "No I wouldn't. The only reason why I cheated on you is because you hurt me Michael, you were an abusive boyfriend and the only way I could breakup with you without you hurting me is cheat on you! But I wouldn't do that to Calum because he doesn't abuse me physically or verbally! So I think you should think over what you're gonna do and realize that it's your fault!" Skylar screamed.

I was a bit taken back by what she said. Calum's jaw hung open as he looked back in forth between me and Skylar.

"Wow." He mumbled. "I still want to kill you." I said behind my bared teeth. Calum's eyes went wide.

"I want you dead so badly."


Michael pushed me out of the way, making me fall onto the pavement. "Calum!" I heard Sky scream. She ran around while he chased after her.

"Michael stop!" I cried. Just the thought of her dying because of one of my best friends makes me already start crying.

I just can't lose her.

"I want her dead Calum! She hurt me and she's gonna hurt you next! She's a annoying little slut who deserves to die!" He yelled. "How did she hurt you!?" I scoffed. "She cheated on me!" He cried. I have to admit; cheating on him wasn't the best way but that was in the past and we're all just gonna have to live in the present not the past.

"Oh my god! Get over it! Live in the present not the past you big baby! So suck a dick would you!" Skylar snapped. I was a little scared of this side of her. "Skylar!" I snapped. She shrugged and glared back at Michael.

"Calum! Michael! Ashton!" I heard a familiar voice call. Luke? I looked in the direction the voice came from and saw Luke chasing after his target. Charlie Murin. I have to admit I never really liked that girl. She was always one of the 'weird' or 'strange' kids that nobody really liked.

"Charlie!" Skylar screamed running towards her. "Holy shit!" Tara screamed also chasing after her.

Now I'm just confused by this night.


A bunch of girls that chased after us ran towards Charlie, while my friends just stood there in confusion.

Charlie turned around and I saw her knife glistening in the street lamps light. "Stay the fuck away from me Hemmings!" She screamed. I still ran towards her holding my gun. Michael ran towards Skylar and she screamed so both; Charlie and Skylar were running around and Tara was running after Michael while both Ashton and some chick, I think it was Jess were just standing there.

"Charlie he's gonna kill me!" Skylar cried. She fell into Charlie's arm and she glared at Michael. "Leave my friend the fuck alone small dick!" She screamed. He just stood there. "Charlie Luke is gonna kill you!" Tara yelled running towards her.

Charlie just looked at me again with tears pouring out of he eyes.

"You are aren't you?" She asked. I stood there not knowing what to say. "I always knew you would. I guess I just thought you would change you know, but I guess I was wrong. But it's alright. Some people change and some don't. I do deserve to die and I know I do, just I thought that maybe that tonight you would tell me otherwise. Just before you either shoot me or stab me to death I just want to let you know that... I-I think I might have fallen in l-love with you tonight. It's stupid and you would never love me and no one ever will just like you told me. Just let the little suicidal girl die. She loves everyone to much to even love herself and because she loves everyone too much no one loves her. I-I'm so, so sorry." She cried.

"Charlie?" Skylar asked reaching out for her shoulder. She moved before she could though.

"I fell in love with you Hemmings." She said. Before I could say anything she ran off.

"Look what you did!"


Again, sorry this chapter is shit.

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