
"I see light!" Charlie said crawling faster towards it. I followed behind her. She started kicking at it, damn that girl likes to kick things. She peeked through the little gap that had enough room for us to climb through. "Coast is clear." She said climbing out. She held out a hand for me, as I grabbed it she winced.

"What's wrong?" I asked letting go of her hand. She looked down at her hands and her knuckles were bleeding from punching the shit out of an air vent. I ran my fingers over the fresh cuts as she whimpered. "It's okay. It won't hurt by the end of tonight." She said looking around. I nodded. "About what happened in there?" I said referring to her break down.

"Look I don't wanna talk about it. I shouldn't even said it in the first place." She said crossing her arms in an embarrassed way. "No, look in sorry that I bullied you. I didn't even know that being bullied hurt." I said. She glared at me. "Then what did you feel like being bullied felt like Hemmings!? Well news flash, it does hurt! Being called a bitch or ugly or a fat or other terrible name hurts! Being shoved and punched into lockers also hurts! It doesn't just feel like a game because I've done self harm because of people like you! So please just stop!" She yelled. I felt tears form in my eyes, I never knew she felt this way.

"You know, did you ever know why I bullied you?" I asked looking straight ahead. "Why? Why did you bully me Hemmings!?" She said trying to calm down which clearly wasn't working. "Because I thought you were cool. Everyone seemed to like you and I got mad about that because you were rising up on the popularity chart but I was scared you'd take over my spot, so I bullied you. I hate myself so so so much for doing that to you. I know you will never forgive me and I don't care. I just want you to know I'm sorry." I said. She gave me a confused look and then squeezed my hand.

"I'm sorry too." She said. I cocked my head in a confused way and slowly turned to look at her. "Why?," I chuckled. "You don't have to be sorry about anything." "Yes I do, I wanted to kill you and you don't deserve to be killed. Just this night is so fucked up." She sighed.

"Don't worry we'll make it through tonight, like you said... we're unstoppable."


"So back to Charlie..." Tara started. I rolled my eyes and faced her. "What about her?" I groaned. "I have a feeling that either she already killed Luke or Luke already killed her," she said. "But what if they're still alive?" I asked. "That would be very unlikely, unless they put all that nonsense behind them but I don't think that's gonna happen," she sighed. "But, what if one of them has a plan. Like, they become friends but before the night ends one of them kills the other? That was in a book I read." She shrugged. My eyes widened. "That would actually, probably happen." I said.

She flipped her hair in 'I'm a genius' kinda way and smiled. "Am I just fantastic or what?" She bragged. I poked her cheek and she whined. Our hands intertwined as I kissed her cheek gently. "Awh Mikey!" She squealed. I chuckled and continued kissing her cheek with little pecks. At one point she turned her head so would kiss her lips.

"Come on! I wanna go somewhere private." She smirked. She pulled me into a building, it looked like an abandoned hotel. "Tara, I don't think we should be in here, looks like a place Purgers might be." I said looking around. "Well you have your gun right?" She said. "Of course I do-" I said patting my pants for the rifle I took from the shed. "What?" She asked. "Where's my gun!?" I asked starting to panic.

"Looking for this?" A bitchy voice called. A girl a bit taller than Tara stood there swing the gun around her finger. "Give it back Molly." Tara said holding her hand out. "Mmm... no!" She said pointing the gun at us. I backed up a bit thinking she was gonna shoot but Tara stepped forward. "Give me the gun Molly." She said a bit more sternly. "You should've thought carefully Tara." Molly cackled. She shot the gun at Tara. "Ah fuck!" She yelled clutching the side of her arm. Molly laughed and pulled out a long blade from her pocket. "No!" I yelled.

I ran up in front of the girl wearing the puppy dog mask that was covered in blood. I kicked her in the side of her knee making her knee shatter so it would collapse inwards. She let out a long painful scream. I grabbed her head and kneed it, breaking her nose. I kicked her in her side repetitively until I felt a tug on my sleeve. "Michael stop!" Tara said. "Why? She was gonna kill you!" I said. "No she wasn't, she's my sister." She mumbled.



"Calum?" Skylar moaned into my neck. "What?" I asked still kissing her collarbone. "How many more hours until the Purge ends?" She asked still pecking my neck with kisses. I pulled away for a second and pulled my out from my back pocket. "Eight." I sighed. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Well then, eight more hours of fun?" She smirked. I bit my lip and nodded. We started kissing each other again until we heard a loud cough.

Our heads whipped in that direction and saw Ashton and Quinn standing there with their arms crossed. "I can't tell if I'm gonna throw up over the smell of blood or the fact that you guys are fucking each other." Ashton groaned. I rolled my eyes and pulled Sky behind me. "Can't we just be alone?" I asked sassily. "You guys realized that you've guys have been fucking each other for the past two hours and we've just watched twenty minutes of it?" Quinn said leaning her weight to one side.

"Then what have you two been doing for the past hour and forty minutes alone?" Sky teased. "Talking and trying to cover up your moans." Ashton sassed. "Can we just go and look for Michael and Luke now?" Quinn asked impatiently. "Wait! Announcement if we find Michael we have to protect Sky." I said. "Why?" Quinn asked. "Oh." Ashton said knowing what I was stating. "What?" Skylar asked. "You were Michael's target but I dunno if he still wants to kill you." I explained.

"Wait Michael Clifford?" She asked. "Yea why?" I questioned.

"He used to be my boyfriend."


Once Skylar said that 'Michael used to be my boyfriend' me and Quinn took that as our cue to leave. "We should go to... the lake? To give them some space." Quinn said pulling me behind her.

After about ten minutes of walking we finally arrived at the Lake. "I like it here, it's where I went when I felt lonely." She announced. I nodded and followed closely behind her.

She pulled me towards a willow tree, it's branches were draping all over the place. She pulled them apart and turned around quickly, like she was trying to hide something.

"I like you Ashton." She said. I was surprised, my jaw dropped, I couldn't find any words. "I-I" I said before she cut me off by smashing our lips together. It got pretty heated she pressed me up against the tree kissing me and rubbing her hands all over my body, I just kinda stood there in shocked. She pulled away and smirked. She started to back away still smirking, but in a creepy way, she turned around and there she was holding a knife.

She ran up to me and pressed it against my throat. "What the fuck!?" I exclaimed. "Oh Ashton. You really think someone would love you? And guess what? I'm the one who told Lauren to kill herself, I told her she wasn't loved, she was fat, ugly I mean couldn't you see it too? And now it's gonna be you, then your mom, then precious little Harry." She cackled.

Tears were streaming down my face. How could she?

"And now it your tur-" she said being cut off.

"Hey bitch! Can you like move to the left a bit? I'm trying to kill you!"

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