
We all stood there in silence watching Charlie run off until we couldn't see her anymore. Jess nudged me as she pointed at Skylar who burst out in tears.

"Charlie!" She screamed starting to run after her, Calum practically picked her up to stop her from running. She was screaming and kicking to try to get out of his grasp. I never knew she was that.. violent? "Calum, just let me chase after her!" She yelled. "Skylar, you need to calm down." Calum said still not letting her go. She squirmed out of his arms and looked at him for a split second before slapping him across the face.

He didn't seem to mind though, he knew she was upset; it was her best friend, running out into the the purge, with no protection, alone. She burst into tears again, even more painful this time. "Fuck." She mumbled still sobbing. Calum rubbed her back, comforting her, he seems like a great boyfriend.

"Just let me go after her, please?" She cried. He shook his head. "No baby, I can't lose you." He said as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. "I don't need your fucking opinion!" She snapped running off again. "Skylar!" Calum yelled starting to run after her. "I got her." I said chasing after her. I grabbed her by the waist to prevent her from running away once I caught up to her.

"Skylar, you need to calm down. It's okay, we'll go find her. She's a strong girl and there's only two more hours left of the Purge, she'll make it, I know she will." I whispered.

She started making gasping sounds from crying and running. "But the last few hours is when everyone gets even more violent! I-I can't lose her Ashton, I can't! She's been there for me, she helped me through so, so much! I-I'm sorry it just so hard to explain what's she's done for me." She sobbed burying her face in her hands. I sat down next to her on the side walk and took a deep breath.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked. "It's a long story." She chuckled. "Well I got time."

She took a deep breath before starting. "So in the eighth grade me and Michael were dating, we met at a party and to be honest we were both probably drunk and that's probably how we hooked up. He wasn't the 'best' boyfriend, he would storm into my room sometimes, not even knocking, he would also do that if I was in the bathroom or something." She said trying her best to to burst into tears again.

"So, did he sexually harass you in anyway other than that?" I questioned.

She nodded, "He would sometimes grab my boobs or slap my ass, stuff like that. Sometimes he would force me into having sex with him but sometimes I wanted too, you know?" She sighed.

I shook my head. "Honestly I don't know." I chuckled. She giggled and shook her head.

"Anything else?"

"Oh yeah, so, one day after we had sex or something he said something like 'you're really hot' or 'you have a huge ass and tits' I have to admit I thought I would take that as a compliment but I was pretty offended. I asked him politely to stop saying rude stuff like that and he just... snapped! He yelled and me and hit me but he did that multiple times. I got really scared, I didn't know what to do Ashton, I started to take my own life in my own hands I felt like I wasn't myself anymore. I started to cut, one day I just couldn't take it anymore so I hung a rope to my ceiling. Right before I jumped off my bed, with rope tightly secured around my neck Charlie barged into my room knowing that I was planning to kill myself. We weren't the best of friends at first but then we both found out that we both suffered from depression we became really close, she was the only one who really understood me." She said pausing to wipe her eyes.

"She helped my through a lot." She chuckled. I nodded really shocked that a girl like her would ever consider taking her life away.

"Don't tell anyone, please?" She asked grabbing my hand. I nodded. "Not even Calum, especially after I do this." She said. I raised my eyebrow in confusion and then she did something I never thought she would.

The Purge {5sos Fanfic} Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon