
I couldn't see anything, I could only hear.

"Ashton! Please! Help!" I heard Jess whisper. My vision slowly started to fade back and when I could finally see I saw Jess wrestling with some middle aged man. Hell no!

I ran up and pulled him off her and punched him. I felt a bit lightheaded but I ignored the fact that my eyesight was going black again. I kept punching him until i hit the pavement. "Ash, he's gone. He left." She said putting and hand on my shoulder. I fell back on the ground dizzy and weary from fighting, and everything in general. "Ash! You gotta get up! Are you okay?" Jess panicked shaking me. My vision came back and I began to feel very thirsty and dizzy.

"Ashton? Are you okay?" She asked looking worried. I began to feel sick so I stood up in ran. I stopped behind a bush and threw up. I felt her rub my back mumbling. I wiped my mouth feeling disgusting and still thirsty. "You okay?" She asked. I nodded while she handed me a water bottle. I drank about half of it. "Where's Calum and Skylar?" I said catching my breath. "I think they are trying to kill a man, but I don't really know." She shrugged.

She looked really pretty in the moonlight. Her brown hair was flowing in the wind. Fuck. I like her don't I? There was a faint scream in the background and we whipped our heads in the direction it came from. We saw a guy standing up with Sky over his arm and Calum punching him. "We should go help them!" I said grabbing her hand starting to run.

She tugged me back. I gave her a confused look and she just looked at me with her greenish-blue eyes. "After I do this." She said. She kissed me and I placed a hand on her cheek. Damn. We shared a slow passionate kiss, and I enjoyed it. A lot. She pulled away and gave me a quick smile before running after them.

By this time Sky was on the ground scrambling for a gun, while Calum and a random guy were just fighting.

How fun.


She still sat on top of me for awhile. "Can you please get off me?" I asked a little impatiently. She rolled her eyes. "No." She scoffed looking around. I rolled me eyes in response and just laid there. I broke one of my hands free from her grasp and pulled her head down to mine and placed my lips on hers.

It got heated and we soon enough she was putting all her body weight on me. I rolled on top of her and tangled my fingers in her hair. I started to slowly grind my hips on her and she let out a moan. I start to kiss her neck and made my way down to her collar bone.

So technically we were doing sex. In the grass. Just with clothes on. Fun. She rolled back on top of me and broke the on-clothes-sex. "Awh." I pouted. She playfully slapped my cheek and I giggled. "Can you let me go now?" I asked.

She paused for a minute and then unpinned my arms but still sat on my chest. "Can you please get off me?" I groaned. She rolled her eyes and got off me. I stood up and reached out a hand for her. She smiled and thanked me. I slowly reached for my back pocket; where my gun was. "Michael what are you doing?" She asked.


"What?" I asked.

"You're reaching for something in your pocket. What is it?" She asked again.

The Purge {5sos Fanfic} Where stories live. Discover now