Chapter 15

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Raven was working on getting some hand-held radios for us when I walked into her workstation the next day when I grew tired of waiting. She had her nose buried deep into her work.

"Did Abbey talk to you yet," I asked the moment I walked in, not wasting a second.

Raven sighed in frustration and glanced up at me, "Hello, to you too, Xavier,"

"Answer me," I said bluntly.

"Why do you think I'm working on these," she asked as she sarcastically gestured towards the dismantled radio parts, "Also, learn to be a little patient. The world isn't going to end if you wait for just a few more days,"

"But our friends will be drained dry by the time you're done," I rolled my eyes, frustrated at her mockery.

"Hey," she leaned forward and raised an eyebrow, "I care about our people as much as you do, Carter. Trust me, the whole reason I worked so hard with Sinclair to get the Ark down here was to see my boyfriend again, but guess what: turns out, your boyfriend's arrogance was what got mine killed."

I was dumbfounded for a second about what she meant until I realized that she was talking about Finn and Bellamy. I sighed.

"Bellamy is not my boyfriend," I responded defensively, "and I'm sorry about Finn. He was, he was a good person,"

"Yes," she said softly as she leaned back in her chair, "he was. And now, he's gone, and I have to sit here like I have nothing better to do because you and Octavia want to go to a Grounder town to negotiate a peace treaty of some sort. Do I agree to it; no. But I do what I'm told, and I suggest," she waved her hand at me dismissively, "you do the same. Now, fly off and let me do my work." She did not wait for my response and went back to working on the radios.

I exhaled deeply and walked out dejected. As I walked along the metallic hallway, I was suddenly reminded of how I had not actually walked these halls before. Alpha Station may it be, but all I saw while on the Ark was my little room and the lock up. Everything else just seemed alien.


I stopped and turned around to see Bellamy walking towards me in his guard uniform and his rifle. He looked good, I thought, and smiled as I watched him approach me.

"Hey," I said softly.

"What's going on," he asked, "Why did I hear from Clarke that you and my little sister are off to TonDC on a suicide mission?"

"Oh," I slumped my shoulders playfully, "and here I thought you wanted to talk about something else,"

Bellamy sighed, and said after a small pause, "Xavier, look," he moved aside and I followed after him. He looked intensely into my eyes, and gently slipped his hand into mine, moving closer. My insides began to flutter once again, but I let out a deep breath, trying hard to control the urge to kiss him again.

"I care about you, deeply," he said softly, "And, I can't watch you put yourself in danger like this,"

"I'm not, Bell," I responded as calmly as I could, "I've been in worse situations than going to TonDC. When I thought you were dead, that was the worst of them all."

Bellamy sighed.

"I'll be fine," I said, "And so will Octavia. She knows what she's doing, and quite frankly, she wouldn't have suggested going to Indra if she didn't know this would work. Getting our people out of Mount Weather is our top priority, and if that involves asking the Grounders to become our ally, then so be it."

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