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Jungkook's POV


who is that person going near me----

WHAT... Is that Jin? Well maybe a person who looks like him. I will never be able to to forget the face of my very first love though. 

"JUNGKOOK!" The mystery man shouted

"What do you want? Who are you even?" I retorted 

"So you really are Jungkook?"

"Well who do I look like? Dumbfuck!"

"Jeon Jungkook?" He asked yet again 

"Fucking stop with the shit questions! What is this Global Perspectives class?"

"WOW! You have grown up quite nicely! Dauntless even" The Jin look-alike hysterically laughed.

I can hear everyone murmuring in the back. "What? Who is that guy approaching Jungkook?" "Does he have a death wish?" "Jungkook will kill him!" "Why is he provoking this schools bully?" "Does he even know who he is talking to?" "Fuck I can't watch this Jungkook will be tearing some limbs today" "Why is he talking to Jungkook as if he has known him for ages?"

"Jungkook! Do you not remember me?" The jin look-alike asked

I hesitated before answering, "Am I suppose to know who the fuck you are?"

"Yah! Truly! I am no other than JIN!, Kim Seokjin" He said Grinning like a mad man.

My eyes opened wide, I stuttered as the words fell out of my mouth, "J-Jin! Ki-Kim S-S-Seokjin? Did y-you ha-happen to h-have tr-transfer from Busan High school?"

"Oh so you do remember." He trailed off laughing.

I hear people gossiping at the back, "WHAT! They know each other?" "how?how?how?" "Are they friends though?" "What is their relationship?" "Maybe they're old school buddies and they are finally happy to see each other after how many years!!!"

I need to get out of here, I can't deal with Jin right now. He caught me by surprise, I was unable to prepare for a fight with him, nor deal with him in general.

What do I do? what do I do? What do I---

Fuck he is walking towards me! I can't find it in me to bully him. That is no surprise since I am a fake bully. I can't bully for shit!!!!

Jin's POV 

hahaahahahaha!!! I can't believe Jungkook is here!!!! It really is him !!! I can't believe this, this gay shit went all the way here, after savagely bullied by me? I actually had to transfer to another school cause of this faggot! 

Fuck, now here I was not wanting to retain another year, well I guess I will have to say good bye to that!

I need me some fun. 

"Jungkook you sure have made yourself a tough Kookie while I was away. What did you do? Work out? Don't you miss our little "Get togethers"? I mean I know I miss seeing you! A lot!"

He is just standing there quiet, how boring. I went nearer to him punching him crossed my mind. I slowly gained momentum as I was transitioning form a walk to a run, gaining speed to increase force. 

I aimed for his face, I could see his reaction, he looks like he is about to shit himself, yet he is still not flinching, is he planning to take my blow in full throttle?

I was inches away from his face, but we were intervened by a teacher shouting, "STOP!!!!!!"

"What is going on here? Why is everyone gathered in a circle?" The principle asked furious and loud.

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