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Jungkook's POV

I dont give a shit anymore.

I dont care if people will bully me for being gay! Fuck! Jin already told everyone, I have no more secrets to hide. 

It actually kinds feels relieving, the burden has been lifted, still I hate Jin. I really do.

I will not allow Jin to have his way with me, thinking he has utter control over me, he thinks he still rules my emotions? Ignorant bitch. I am this school's King, he will bow beneath me, he will plead mercy whenever I pass by. I will break him down if he disputes my rule.

I kept thinking about my confrontation with Jin in the cafeteria. I was scared of him at first, but I realised how much stronger I am than him, I was just not mentally ready for him, but now I will destroy him! I will destroy him! I will make him live hell, the same way he has made me live before.

He was once King, but I have over-thrown him. 


I arrived in school, with he most intimidating aura I have ever mustered up in my life, because this time it is no longer pretend. I have succumbed to the power I wield and understood my position in this school.

I am no longer afraid of the darkness I was in for how many years... I now embrace it as a part of me. 

I smirked creepily as I saw Jin looking down and small, walking towards his locker.

"This bitch" I said softly, as I made my way to Jin.

"HEY!" Jin immediately turned his head to face me.

"You have grown quite confident! Just cause you beat me once doesn't mean you are toughe-" Jin was cut-off with Jungkook's strong hands bringing him off the ground and onto the lockers, Jin was chocking.

"Finish that sentence. I dare you!" I looked at Jin with the most intense of gazes.

I was having a staring contest with Jin, a contest to show whose power out matches the other, through gazing, whoever can intimidate who first with just their gazes wins.

I can see it in his eyes, he is faltering, he is getting weaker. He is weak...

Jin flinched and shit his eyes close, I guess because of intimidation. I could feel Jin quivering.

I threw him on the ground and left, leaving him there with everyones stares shooting darts at him.

Jimin's POV

I saw Jungkook pushing Jin up a locker, having him hover off the ground. I ca-can't believe this, what has happened to Jungkook? wasn't he getting better, he was beginning to become nice. I felt it - his change, but now, but now, but now I don't see it.


I ran to Jungkook as soon as he left Jin on the floor, panting and weak. 

"Jungkook!" I semi-shouted while pulling him to the empty corridor.

"Did you just touch me- What do you want!" He seemed mad

"Jungkook..." I my eyes slowly averted from the ground, looking Jungkook in the eyes, with a soft gaze trying to not seem hostile, that I only had good intentions.


"Stop saying my name, over and over and over again, just get on with it now!"

"Jungkook, what happened? what is happening with you? you were getting better. I was there, I was there with you when I saw you crying because of Jin. I was there on almost all occasions of your weak and vulnerable state, but now, but now you are back to being a bully? are your legit? you did not have to hurt Jin you kno-" I was interrupted by Jungkook.

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