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To understand what Jungkook is feeling, since he was a child. Watch the video and listen to the lyrics of the song. It properly describes what he feels. This song is my anthem, and I feel for it ever time ;C If you choose to listen to it, listen till the end, the climax is my life XD

Jungkook's POV

"Jimin are you now OK?" I asked Jimin, as I layed him down his car.

"No, I still feel weak, bring me home, drive me home, please Jungkook." Jimin pleaded with lethargic eyes, eyes that mesmerized me oh so greatly.

I succumbed to his pleading and obliged. "Fine, but are you sure you want me to drive your car? It looks expensive, and I don't want to spend my life picking up trash trying to pay you back when I drive this car into a ditch."

"hahahahah, It's fine I have 5 more cars at home, so if you break this one, I won't really let you pay" Jimin said nonchalantly while smiling softly.

"fine, it's all on you then?" I asked grinning.

"Yah it is, just please bring me home, my head is killing me!" Jimin said bitterly.


"I don't really know where your house is"

"It is fine I'll direct you"

"Are we near now? This place seems too secluded" I asked concerned.

"Yah just about a kilometer more" Jimin said nicely

"Turn right here" Jimin said quickly, almost giving me a heart attack.

"Up this hill Jimin? Are you legit? Where's this house of your? I did not know you lived in the mountains, are you a tribesman?

Where does Jimin live? A picture of a humble looking cottage kept appearing in my head, thinking of what Jimin's house would look like. I can't help it, the place he is leading me to seems likely to hold such a house.


"Here we are"

We stopped at a BIG gate, a gate so grand it had such intricate designs. The metal was of dark rustic brown, and had hints of Gold. Are those real gold??

The gate opened and we made our way to the driveway.

"What the hell Jimin, how long is this driveway of yours?"

"I don't know with my parents, they wanted a big front garden."

"Are we even close to reaching your hou-" I was cut short at the sight of his house. What the hell, the house was extremely big, calling it a house was an understatement. It was definitely a mansion.

"Wow! Jimin, I see you've had a rough childhood" I remarked sarcastically.

I couldn't help but notice Jimin turning away as I said what I said, oops! Did I strike a nerve, I quickly changed the subject to try and get rid of the awkward silence.

"So Jiminie where do I park this car of yours?" I asked in attempt to lessen the tension.

Guess luck was on my side, Jimin lit up smiling, "Oh just over there" He said pointing at a huge garage.

As we entered the garage WOW! There were over 20 cars inside. I was unable to properly estimate how many there were as they were too numerous.

"Wow! Jimin you weren't lying about not really caring about this car huh!"

"Yah, but still this is my favorite car," He said smirking


I carried him, piggyback style, as he was still not feeling well. The drug cannot have lasted this long, I guess Jimin's body just did not react well with the extreme dosage of a concentrated drug, and to top that off, it was his first time. I guess his body is in shock.

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