chapter 1: the beginning

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Before L.A. when Heath and Zane where in high school.

Heaths PoV:

I was walking down the hallway of South Plantation High School. Thinking about my life and how I had a wonderful best friend named, Zane Hijazi. Speaking of him, I see him... but who is he talking to??? She's beautiful, truly stunning. I walk up to Zane. "Babbbbbyyy. How you doing?!" I basically scream it down the hallway has I hug him and act like we are gay lovers; but we aren't. I am totally straight.

Zane pushes me off and scoffs at me. "God, Heath, must you act this way around me? I'm talking here and she might think we are gay for each other, like everyone else does.." he was right, there was a huge rumor around the school that we are more than just "best friends" the rumor is that we are lovers, which I can kinda get where they're coming from, we act Hella gay.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act this way around you. But you are my best friend, you know that. " I smiled at him and the stunning girl standing in front of him. "I just get this weird way around you; and since we both make vines, we act crazy." I laugh at Zane. "So baby, who's this?" I stare at the girl, smiling softly at her. 'God she had beautiful eyes' I think to myself.

Zane smiles at the both of us "Heath this is Mary. I grew up with her in Miami before I moved to attend South Plantation. Anyways, she's a total sweet heart and decided to come visit me today. I guess she's moving back to her hometown. She isn't from the states: she's Canadian." He pulls Mary into a hug.

"Oh cool. You're from Canada, eh?" I said. She scoffed and rolled her eyes and sad "that isn't the first time I have heard that one, real 9r8ginal."

Of course now I can tell she hates me already. "I-I didn't meant to offend you. Please forgive me!!" I begged her. She never even answered me, all she did was go back to talking to Zane. 'Great.. she hates me... for fuck sakes' I thought to myself and sighed.

Just then the school bell rang, telling us to head back to class. "Do you really have to leave...? Seriously?" I over hear Zane whining, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yes I do. I'm sorry, Zaney-bear.. my plane leaves in 2 hours. I will text you and FaceTime you and keep on touch." She hugged Zane and kissed his cheek, as she finished saying her goodbyes to him.

She looked at me with her brown eyes and scoffed at me again..

'man I must have really upset her.. i hope I meet her again, she's amazing. Her voice is so cute and soft. It's honestly so calming.

Zane nudged me, breaking me out of my thoughts again. "Hey man, you okay?" I look over at him and he looks concerned, obviously noticing the hurt in my face. I look at him with a straight face and say, "Ya, baby, I'm fine. Let's go, we gotta go to class. We graduate this year!!" I exclaimed as I walked off to our next class.

Zane PoV:

'After Mary left, Heath started to act strange. Never seen him like this. Not sure what's up with him. I guess I will ask him in class.' I think to myself. I nudge Heath, obviously he's thinking long and hard, but we gotta go to class.

Just then I notice that Heath looks a little sad. "Hey man you okay?" I ask him, he looks over at me, obviously not happy but he says with the straightest face he can make, " Ya, baby, I'm fine. Let's go, we gotta go to class. We graduate this year!!" Heath exclaimed, as he walked towards our next class.

'Obviously there is something wrong, but i cannot just come out and ask him. Heath is like a closed book sometimes, and won't even open up to me; he's best friend.' I sigh as I follow Heath to class.

**Time skips to L.A.**

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