chapter 9

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** if there is spelling mistakes, I am truly sorry. It's 1:30am my time, and I am tired. **

Both heath and Zane moved in next door to Mary, Zachary and Michaela. Zane and Heath have been living next door for about 4 months. Michaela still hasnt really met Zane nor Heath, because of the fact that she works a lot during the day, and only gets a few days off a month. --- Heath and Ashlee have been together for 4 months, but all they do is fight none stop, and Zane is getting sick and tired of it.

** Side note, you guys' have probably been wondering who this Michaela girl is. Well she's actually gonna be my roommate in RL. We are just looking for a place to move in together.. Oh and you will be reading a lot more about her in this chapter and the future ones as well. Stay tuned!! **

Mary never seen much of Heath since he's been with that Ashlee girl ... she misses him; but won't tell him. Of course she sees Zane a lot because he's over what seems like 24/7, but in reality it's only from 11:30am - 9pm, so it isn't to bad.. still feels forever.

Zane knocks on Mary's door. There isn't an answer right away,so he knocks on it again. After a few moments, the door opens revealing a tall maroon haired girl, who is half asleep with her hair in a messy bun and us just chilling in sweatpants and a tank top.

"M hmm? " the girl mumbles, yawning as she rubbed her eye.

"Is Mary home?' Zane asks.

The girl sighs and beckons for Zane to follow her into the house, leading him to Mary's room. "She's probably sleeping. She went to work after I got home from work. I've been watching Zachary while she sleeps." The girl says.

After she knocked on the door and they both hear a faint mumbling, they both sat down on the couch, while Zachary played

"Oh. I can come back later then. I just needed to talk to her about Heath.. umm, I don't know if we met or not. But my name is Zane. What is yours?" He says smiling, he can't get over the fact of how beautiful she is.

"My name is Michaela. I'm Mary's roommate. While she works, I'm the on who looks after her son, and when I work she takes care of him. Kinda like I'm his father. But truth be told, his real father is a piece of shit, who deserves to have his balls removed and shoved down his throat .. but from what Mary said months ago; you already met that dumbass, when he showed up at your old place ... honestly if I was Heath, I would have fucking broken his jaw." She says, obviously not liking him at all

"Why's that?" Zane finally asks after a few moments of hearing nothing but Zachary play

"Let's put it this way. He has put Mary through a lot of bullshit in her life." She says a bit annoyed, but continues. "They dated on and off for 3 years. Everytime he left her, he would go on dating sites, and act like she did all this bullshit to him. When in fact he did all that to her. He would break her phones, her tv's, a door to her old apartment, a window, my laptop, a few lamps, all the dining room chairs she had, he broke. He put holes in the walls. He wasn't a great person. He was the bottom of the barrel, he was a lowlife, a piece of shit that should have been put down." She sighs. "I would go on, but I'd rather not Zachary know if what happened. He doesn't need to feel as if it's his fault."

Zane nods. "I didn't know that .. she never told me about her past like that." He looked away, kinda feeling hurt that she never confided in him

Just then the bedroom door opened, revealing a girl with a messy as fuck hair, wearing a university tank top, along with some booty shorts

Mary ran her hand through her messy head, and groaned. She walked out on the the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed some juice and went to the cupboard and grabbed a glass, filled the cup up and put the juice back into the fridge. She took a sip, walking over to Zachary who was playing with a toy, she kissed his forehead and said "good morning sweetie. Mommy loves you" then she walked outside, but before she shut the door to have a smoke, she waved to Zane and Michaela just to make sure that they knew she was aware of them being in the room as well. She shut the door and sat down, litting up her cig.

As she was smoking all she heard was fighting coming from Heath and Zane's place, she didn't want to come off as nosey, but she paid attention to it all.

"WHY THE FUCK AM I EVEN WITH YOU?!" She heard someone yell; she figured out it was Heath who was the one who's yelling.



Mary got up and walked back into the house. "They're fighting." She said as she sat down on the couch beside Zane.

"Who?" Michaela asks

"Heath and Ashlee. They're fighting because Heath is going back to Florida, and he said to her 'Maybe I shouldn't fucking come back ' and that's when I came back in.." Mary said, as she got up.

"Where are you going" both of them said.

"Going to talk to Heath. Don't think it will help, but I can always get him away from her for a few moments, to try to calm him down." Mary said as she walked out the door. Before shutting the door she heard Michaela say "I know she loves him.. she used to always seemed so happy, whenever she mentioned his name or got a text from him. Every since him and Ashlee, she missed him"

Mary walked over to Zane and Heaths door and knocked, standing to one side just incase Heath or Ashlee looks through the hole.

The door opens to show Ashlee.

"What do you want?" She says in a very rude tone.

"I came to see Heath." Mary says

"Pfft. He doesn't have time for you. We are talking right now. Leave us be. Actually never come back to here to see him. You're no longer welcome" She says clearly pissed at Mary at this point for showing up

Mary didn't care what she said, she pushed passed Ashlee and walked over to Heath.

Giving him a big hug "I missed you" She says as she rests her head into his chest. Wrapping her arms around him tightly

Shocked, Heath then wraps his arms around Mary waist in return, and holds her close. He looks up at Ashlee and says "we are done."

"What way? " She asks, begging for an answer.

"because all we do is fight. I can't go and see my family without you getting mad around me. I just can't do it no more. Plus Mary has a little boy next door who doesn't need to hear us fighting. And I haven't really spoken to Mary for no longer then a minute in about 4 months because you would get jealous and tell me not to talk to her at all, or you would be leaving. Well you know what? I don't care if you leave anymore. I wanna be happy and not mad or yelling anymore. So please leave and never come back" Heath says.

All they both hear is screaming, her taking a fit and storming out; slamming the door on her way out.

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