chapter 3

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Mary's PoV:

I moved out to L.A. once i finished school back in Canada and did 2 1/5 years of college with a toddler and an asshole of an ex boyfriend who didn't do shit all for me or his son.

I walked up to the front door of Zane's house, with my son's hand in my hand, once I reached the door I knocked on it.

A few moments later, some tall good looking redhead answer the door. "Yes?" He asked me as I stood by the door. I was caught off guard by his looks.

"U-U-ummm, is Zane home?" I asked shyly. He looked at me up and down: not to sure if he was checking me out, or if he's confused on who I was.

I finally I got an answer from him. "No he isn't home, he left with a few friends. Can I ask who you are?" He said with a sort of annoyed voice as he stared me down. I just met his gaze and said, "I went to school with Zane back in Florida, and I haven't seen him in 3 years. I came here to talk to him. Is that okay with you?"

I didn't mean to sound rude, but that's how it came out. "I'm sorry for sounding rude, sorry."

He smiled and said "it's okay. C'mon in. He should be back here soon. You can wait in the living room." He moved and gestured for me to come in.

I walked in with my son, we sat down on the couch. 'It looks so much bigger in person,not like it does on David's vlogs' just as I finished my thought I was spoken to.

"Hey." This pink haired girl said. I looked at her and smiled. "Hi." She looked am me and said, "let me introduce myself and the gang. I am Carly." She points ti the redhead. "That's Scotty, you can call him that or just call him Scott, either way. He's the one who answered the door. Kind of rude that he didn't say who he was when he let you guys in." She then points to a guy next to a girl with curly black hair. "That's David and Lizza" next she points to a tall dark haired guy with nice abs. "That's Toddy. He's s model."

Then she points to the girl sitting next to her "that's Erin" then she points to a beautiful girl next to Scotty, "that's Scottys girlfriend, Kristen. And now you know all of them. Except for Elton and Heath, who are with Zane." I smile and wave to all of them.

"Hello. How rude, i introduced myself to Scott, but none of you. I am Mary. I went to school with Zane back in Miami. Oh and this little cutie - pie is my son, Zachary."

Zachary was a little shy and wouldn't really say anything to them, he just stared at them with his big hazel eyes in awe.

"It's okay honey, you don't have to be shy. Say hi, baby." His little voice say "hi" in a soft tone, that sounded almost as a whisper.

They all chuckled at him, and Lizza asks if he wanted to sit on the couch with her, he nodded his head, got off the couch we were sitting on and then he climbed up beside Liza. "Zane just texted me and said he will be here in 2 minutes" David says.

"I should go hide. And surprise him." I hide behind the bar area in the kitchen facing the front of the house, chuckling.

"I got an idea!" David exclaims.

"What?" Everyone asks.

"I'm going to vlog this, and put it into my vlog!" David says, as he pulls out his vlog camera and aims in on Zachary, not turning it on until they know Heaths truck comes in the driveway.

"Okay action. Go hide Mary. He won't know you're here. Hurry and hide in Toddy's room " David says, Toddy nods his head, giving me approval.

So I get up and hide in his room, letting Zachary in the living with the gang.

A few seconds later I hear Zane, and two other guys walk in and ask who's son that was. I was out and say "Zaney-bear!" As I do all three of the boys turn around and stare at me.

I walk up to Zane and hug him, while Zachary is still holding onto my leg. "Long time no see buddy." He smiles and hugs me back.

"Mary, it's been 3 years. How have you been?"

I chuckle and say, "ive been good. As you can probably tell, I have a toddler now." I point down to show them my son. "Oh, his name is Zachary.  I told the others, while you guys were out" I say sweetly.

I stare at the guy named Heath. 'It's him. The asshole from high school. Hmmmm, he's gotten a lot hotter, maybe he's at lot nicer. ' I thought to myself and he meets my gaze, as soon as I see that, I look away and blush.

Heaths PoV :

'That girl i fell for 3 years ago is standing in front of me, after all these years, even with have a kid 2 years ago she is still stunningly beautiful.'  I look at her and she meets my gaze and gives me a weird look. 'Maybe she doesn't remember me?' As I stared at her gaze, she turned away and blushed. 'Aw she's so cu--' I was inturupted by someone calling my name.

"Heath you alright? You've been staring at Mary for like 15 minutes straight." David says.

I look away and laugh, "me? No man I would never look at her. I met her back in high school and she was a bitch to me."

I dont know why but I got mad. Not sure if it has to do with David or the fact that i dnt wanna be in the same room as anyone right now. "I'm going to have a cig" I walk outside.

While I'm outside i hear a soft voice ask if it's alright if she pops outside to have a cigarette as well.

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