chapter 8

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Mary's pov:

I call the landlord and she said she would make an appointment for today for them to come and look at it

So I text Zane and tell him:


Hey. I have great news !!!

Sent 2:55pm


What's that?
Sent 2:56.

I talked to the landlord, and gave her your and Heaths number. She said she would call you today, and to make an appointment to view the next door apartment. Don't worty either, I gave both of you guys an amazing refrences for the both of you 😊

Sent 2:57pm


OMG baby!!! so amazing!!! I will tell hm Heath when he gets home!

Sent 2:57


Where's heath?

Sent 2:58pm

Zaney-bear :

He has a date tonight. .. I guess this girl and him are getting serious.

Sent 2:59


Oh.... 😯

Sent 3:00pm

Zaney-bear :

Are you okay?... 😦

Sent 3:01pm


Ya, I'm fine... Hey, listen if you guys wanna stop by later on, when you guys come and see next door, you can. I gotta go.. talk to you later

Sent 3:10pm


Oh.... okay.... talk to and see you later...

Sent 3:11pm

** Later on that day **

I was sitting in the living room, watching Zachary play with his toy kitchen set, as a hear a knock on my door.

I get up, walking to the door. I open the peep hole and look out.. it's Zane, Heath and some girl.. 'that must be heaths girlfriend' I thought to myself. I open the door.

"Hey guys" I fake a smile greeting the two boys and the random girl.

Heath looks at me and then the girl. I look at them both, and then walk into the apartment; returning back to my spot on the couch.

Zane sits down beside me, and then Zachary jumps on Zane's lap, as he held onto his shirt I smile softly at them both.

"So I got good news !!" Zane says smiling, as he held onto Zachary.

"What's that?" I look at him, tilting my head.

"Heath and I got the place !!!!" He said yelling, as he set Zachary onto the floor as he pulled me up and jumped up and down with me, squealing very loudly.

"Yay!!!!! I get to see you guys everyday." I say still jumping up and down. Finally I sit down, as Zane sits beside me in the same spot.

"So who is this?" I say turning to Heath. Finally getting enough courage to ask him, without the possibility of my heart getting more hurt.

And then he said those 4 words that broke me on the inside. "This is Ashlee.. she's my girlfriend." Heath said, holding onto her hand

At that very moment, I feel my heart shatter.

"Cool... hey, sorry to cut this short, but Zachary and I gotta go. I got to take Zachary to day care,I gotta go to work soon." I say jumping up? as all 3 of them get up well. They walk to the door and open it.

Heath looks at me, seeing thay I feel hurt. I then look away fast, trying not to shed a tear.

Once they all leave, I pick Zachary up, taking him to the bathroom, after we were done in there, I laid him down in his bed, and left the door open a bit. As soon as I left, he passed right out.

Once he's asleep, and I clean up the apartment before Michaela gets home from work. Then i do everything again, just to make sure it's spotless. Once I am done, I walk to the bedroom and lay down.. don't remember much, as then I get woken up 3 hours later, by Zachary jumping on my bed.

* I will be adding another chapter... but it may take me awhile because I'm trying to get into college, and trying to find a new place for my son and i... so if I dont make another one soon: I will be, don't worry. *

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