chapter 10

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** a few days later **

Heaths PoV :

It's been a few days since I left Ashlee,  I've been a lot happier since then. But I know Mary's gonna miss me;because I'm going to Florida to pick up mine and Zane's new roommate. Our buddy, Kam.

All I hear is beeping, I roll over and hit the snooze on my alarm clock. A few seconds later it went off again,  I hit the snooze again.  But then another few seconds past, and all I hear is my alarm. This time instead of turning it off and going back to sleep,  I get up.

I roll over groggy, finally open my eyes to see thay there is a pair of eyes staring at me.

"Good morning" I mumble.

"Wake the fuck up baby!!" Zane yells at me, making me jump up and almost fall out of bed.

"Zane, what the fuck!!" I roar at him.

"Damn baby you're not a morning person.  But today is the day you're going back to Florida to pick up Kam. So you gotta get up" Zane says to me in a calm voice.

I sigh and get out of bed, as I go to the door, I see someone in the corner of my eye. It's Mary

"I came to wish you farewell and that i will miss you, and that you better have some great stories to tell me once you get back." She then takes a bit of her apple. I just smile.

"Of course,  Princess. I will being back you,  Zachary and Zane something back. I as well am going to miss all 3 of you guys." I smile softly,  kinda hurting on the inside because of the fact that I'm going to he away from Mary.. when I was with Ashlee I missed Mary; but I knew all I had to do was to walk next door and I got to see her. Now I can't do that until I get home from Florida.

**Time skip to airport**

Zane dropped me off, and Mary and Zachary joined him as be took me here. I hugged Zane,  and said my farewells for the week. I told him I would tell our parents that he said hi.

When I walked up to Mary and hugged her goodbye for the week that I will be gone. She pulled away and kissed me on my lips. Of course I wasn't going to push her away. I've waited for this for almost 4 years. I kissed her back.

Once we stopped kissing, she smiled at me. "Heath Hussar, I love you... I've been in love with toy for the longest time, and when you dated Ashlee, I thought I lost my chance of telling you that I loved you.. and since you're going to be gone for a little while, I thought this would be the best time to tell you of how I feel.. so, ya, I love you, Heath." Both Zane and I were shocked.. I was speachless. Was this a dream? Should I wake up, if it is? I'd rather not be woken up if it was a dream.

Since I didn't say anything after Mary told me her feelings, she was very upset. She began to walk off, just before she could,  I grabbed her hand. "I love you too, Mary Kaiser." I say, before I kissed her one last time before I caught my flight to Florida

* Zane's PoV *

'Heath just told Mary he loved her!!!' I was shocked,  happy,  but shocked. It was amazing to see him happy when he's around her. Unlike he was with Ashlee.

After Heath leaves to catch his flight, Mary, Zachary and I go out for some food.

We reach the place we are going to have supper, we all walk in and sit down.

"So how do you feel?" I ask Mary.

She smiles "good, good. I can't believe Heath said he loved me too ... it's a dream come true!" She exclaims,I laugh.

"What's funny? " Mary asks

"Nothing. It's just the fact that heath left Ashlee to be with you from the start,  but it took him this long to tell you how he feels about you. Thats all" I say, as I shove a piece of food into my mouth.

"Oh okay " She finally says.

* time skip.. cause eating food is lame and boring *

We decided to go to Scottys and to see him. Since Mary hasn't hung out with any of them in awhile.

We pull into Scottys house, as we do, David comes out with his camera.

"Look who we have here!!" He yells,putting his camera on Mary.

"Haven't seen you in a month. I got a text from Heath.  He told that he finally told you that he loves you " David smiles , "he also went on to say that he wanted to a be with you"

I chuckle, as I walk off with Zachary to find something to do with him, so his mom and David can go and do a skit for his vlog. Zachary runs into the house to go and find Liza and Kristen to play tag with.

I walk in behind him, sitting my fat ass onto their couch.

"Did you hear the news?" I ask,looking at everyone.

They all look confused, until Toddy says something. "Oh you mean that Heath told Mary that he loved her?  If so, then I knew, man"

Everyone who is in the house finally yells "ohhhh"

Finally Liza says "took him long enough.  It's been what a full year since she's lived here in L.A.?? God he's bad at telling a woman how he feels.. them again it took David 3 years to finally confess to me that he liked me.. and even then it was I whom said it."


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