chapter 5:

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Heaths PoV:

It's been about 2 hours give or take that Mary has been here and since she put Zachary down for a nap. I've been wanting to get her alone to talk to her, but David keeps asking her to help him with his vlogs and so does Scotty, Toddy, Zane, Carly, Erin and Lizza.  The only one who hasn't asked her is Eltee. Thats only because he ended up going to Amanda's house. (His girlfriend)

I walk into the house, while Mary Zane and all the others are in the living room laughing and carrying on.

All of a sudden I hear little feet come running down the hall, thinking that Zachary will run up to his mom. It isn't until he pulls on my pant leg that I realize he wants up.

I look down and stare at this adorable child. I bend down and pick him up. "Hey, buddy" I say, smiling at him.

He smiles back, and laughs. "Hello. Hehe. You're big and strong. Will you play with me?" He says softly, I nod.

"Hey, guys! Who wants to play tag with Zachary?" I smile and look at everyone sitting down who are now watching Netflix.

"Sure!" Everyone says at once, except for Mary.  I look at her and see that there's something wrong. "Hey, Mary. What's the matter?"

"N - Nothing. It's nothing, I'm fine. Let's go outside and play!" She fakes a smile, as she locks her phone, putting it into her pocket.

I'm the first one to walk outside with Zachary. And a few seconds later everyone else walks out. We are playing tag and a few people like Kristen, Scott, Todd and David are chilling in the pool. I turn around to see that Mary is sitting down staring at her phone looking as if she wants to cry.

3rd person POV:

Heath pulls out his phone and texts Zane.

Heath pulls out his phone and texts Zane

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