episode 1

141 16 31

"It's spring break bitches!" Madison cheered at the top of her lungs from where she stood on top of the table. Her curly brown hair was covered with shimmering glitter, bright pink shutter shades hiding her bright green eyes.

"Would you get down from there before you get hurt?" Emma teased, slapping her leg that stood in front of her. Griffin chuckled from where he sat next to her, an american flag bandana pushing his curly blonde hair off of his forehead. "Would you talk to her? She only listens to you when she's drunk" Emma chuckled, watching Griffin roll his brown eyes.

"Madison, sweetheart, would you step down from the table? You've had too many shots to be standing that high up" he snickered, exchanging a playful glance with Jeremy who was throwing back a shot of his own.

A pout came over Madison's thick lips, her arms crossing over her chest which was only covered by a bright yellow bikini top. "Emma's right" Joanne confirmed, tucking a straight piece of bleach blonde hair behind her ear. "One wrong move and we're spending our spring break in a hospital."

"And I did not get this good of a deal on beach front hotel rooms to spend it in a musty old hospital" Jeremy confirmed, shaking his head softly as the bite from the shot consumed him. Emma rolled her eyes, reaching over to pluck a piece of glitter from Jeremy's dark brown hair.

Sighing softly, Emma slid out from the booth where they were seated, extending her hands to Madison who grabbed on, hopping down from the wooden table. She wobbled for a second, a loud giggle escaping her. "Wow, you are really drunk" Emma observed with a soft laugh, shaking her head in amusement.

"And you, my friend, are not drunk enough" Madison teased, poking the tip of Emma's nose before playing with the wavy strands of her dirty blonde locks. "You're so pretty, Em. With your oval face and chocolate eyes. Mm" Madison grinned, pinching her friend's cheeks.

Pulling Madison's hands away, Emma laughed before guiding her back to the booth where she slid in next to Griffin who threw back another shot. Sitting down next to Joanne, Emma looked around the table. "Am I really the only one not drinking?" she wondered, surprised that Jeremy was drinking. He tended to be quite reserved and very cautious, especially in foreign places.

"Sorry, Em. Looks like it's just you" Joanne grinned with her icy blue eyes, swirling the straw around in her mojito.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Emma sunk back in the seat of the booth. "Maybe you should have something to drink. It's spring break, a time to party and let loose. Perhaps you should loosen up a little" Griffin teased, flashing her his brilliant smile that accentuated his sharp jaw line and high cheek bones.

Emma kicked him beneath the table, watching him stick his tongue out in response. They couldn't help the sibling like banter, they had been friends in high school and when they ended up at the same college, they'd only grown closer.

"Sorry that I'm the only one concerned about getting black out drunk on a foreign island. I mean seriously, does that not concern anyone else?" Emma asked in disbelief, looking around at her four friends.

"Em, sweetie, you've got to relax. You're being paranoid." Madison hummed, taking a sip of Griffin's drink. Scowling, Griffin swiped it back, earning an innocent smile from Madison. Emma rolled her eyes, disgusted by how blatantly obvious Madison's crush on him was.

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