episode 6

60 10 43

Your Decision: Emma should back away and try to reason with her friends in an attempt to preserve all six lives.

Silence hung heavily in the air, filling their lungs with dread. Only blackness surrounded them, their useless eyes blinking repeatedly in an attempt to regain the sense of sight. But it proved useless, the lack of light much too powerful.

Emma could hear her friends uneven breaths, ragged with adrenaline. Heat radiated from their skin, warming hers in a reminder of just how close together they were. Surely they wouldn't kill anyone, right? They were friends, and have been for a while now. Except...except Wesley.

"Guys" Emma breathed, breaking the fragile silence. "I know he seems scary, but he's human. We don't have to listen to him, okay? No one's killing anyone" she said sternly, feeling her heart pound against her ribs as she stared into the darkness.

No one responded, the silence growing thicker with the absence of her voice. But in that void came the metallic sound of a knife leaving the floor. Emma's eyes grew wide, her blood running cold. Goosebumps rose on her arms, fear prickling her skin as that deafening silence continued to throb in her ears.

"Drop the knife" Emma's voice trembled, her knees weak as she took a slow step back. "You can't give into this maniac. Please, don't kill anyone" she begged, her eyes stinging with tears of panic.

The muted sounds of footsteps filled the room, a loud rustling sound coming along with it. Emma jumped as that staticky sound erupted again, fear wrapping tightly around her throat. "Get a move on. One dies or you all die" the voice ordered, before a light piano tune began to flow through the room.

It's slow, drawn out tempo made Emma's skin crawl, the complete and utter darkness creating the sensation of a presence behind her. Emma turned around, groping the darkness in search of the sensation. But all her hands found was air.

Emma could no longer hear footsteps, or the sounds of her friends' breath. All that rung in her ears was the dainty piano tune; her sense of hearing stolen. There was no way to see her friends; no way to hear them. All she could go off of was the feeling; the feeling that someone was close.

Sensing that presence once again, Emma spun around, her hands outstretched. Her arm connected with something solid, a gasp escaping her as the air was stolen from her lungs. "Please" Emma cried, reaching out once again in hopes that she could identify exactly who it was that was standing in front of her.

But what met her was a sharp pain, a slicing sensation ripping across her forearm. A scream escaped her as she jerked away, wrapping her hand around the wound. In the pitch black, she could feel the warm, sticky substance gushing from her arm before seeping through her fingers. Emma looked up, trying to find her attacker; nothing but darkness in front of her.

"Help!" Emma screamed, taking slow steps away from where she believed her attacker had been standing. "Someone's trying to kill me! Don't let them kill me! Don't kill me! Don't kill anyone! Please" she cried, squeezing her arm tighter as she wondered just how much blood she was losing.

Ragged, uneven breaths slipped through her lips as her whole body was wracked with shivers. Her heart raced relentlessly whilst her throat burned from screaming. Tears stung her eyes as the shadows in front of her began to dance, playing tricks on her vision. "Don't do this. Do not become a killer." Emma whispered, praying that they would listen.

Emma was suddenly shoved to the side, a scream escaping her. Large hands gripped her shoulders, pushing her until her back met the corner of the room. A gasp left her lips, wide eyes searching the vast nothingness.

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