episode 19

46 9 37

Your Decision: Emma should attack him and finally try to escape, risking her life and the girls'.

Her words hit him like a slap in the face, his eyes flaring with shock. Trenton waited for fear to break through her brown eyes, waited for fear to pull at her lips. But after a moment of staring into her unwavering eyes, he knew she was serious.

A crude laugh was forced from his mouth, his blue eyes rolling. His gloved hand fluttered down to his side where his fingers danced over the gun that had been tucked away in his belt. A pain tugged at Emma's heart, remembering exactly what that gun had done; exactly who it had taken.

"Oh Emma. Always trying to be so heroic" Trenton joked, laughing darkly as he took a slow step forwards. "Reminds me of our dear friend Wesley. Miss him much?" he grinned, his eyes darting up to Emma's.

Hot anger settled over Emma's skin, erasing every logical thought that had existed within her head. With his words, Emma could feel Wesley's blood seeping through her fingers again. She could hear his soft voice, apologizing, begging her to survive. She could feel his warm skin beneath her torn lips, his weak pulse under her hand.

Every logical thought had been wiped from her brain. The only though that resided there now was that Trenton had shot Wesley. Trenton had shot Wesley in the chest, and taken him away from her. It was all Trenton's fault. And that was all it took.

"You son of a bitch!" Emma bellowed, propelling herself forwards. Trenton's eyes went wide as he grabbed for his gun, but Emma was too fast.

Emma hit him with every ounce of her strength, her arms wrapping around his waist as she dragged him to the ground. The gun slipped from his hand, clattering against the worn floor that threatened to break beneath them.

Trenton gasped for breath as he landed on his back, Emma scrambling to get on top of him. Straddling his chest, Emma grabbed his shirt in her fist before lifting his head off of the ground. Then she rose her fist, bringing it down on his face.

His nose snapped beneath her knuckles, blood gushing from the wound. Emma groaned in pain, shaking out her hand before clenching it, driving it into his face once again. Her heart swelled as his head snapped to the side, blood spraying from his lips.

"You killed all my friends! You stupid-" a punch to the face, "son of a-" her fist met his cheek, "bitch!" she screamed, driving her hand against his mouth as another cry of pain escaped him.

Trenton managed to free one of his hands, delivering a swift punch to Emma's jaw. Black flashed across her vision as she fell to the side, pain throbbing along her jaw line. Trent rolled onto his hands and knees, rising unsteadily to his feet.

"You fucking bitch!" he spat, blood dribbling down his chin. Reaching up, he wiped away the blood that gushed from his nose. Ida and Cecile moved away from the railing, cowering near the hole in the wall as they watched anger radiate off of their captor.

Emma sat up, pressing her hand against her chin. "You monster" Emma panted, that all too familiar sense of exhaustion settling over her body. It turned her muscles to lead, and her thoughts to rocket science. Nothing made sense, and nothing seemed worth it. She was just so tired.

Trenton shook his head, baring his red teeth in frustration. The chandelier spun slowly behind him as a cool breeze entered, rainbow beams dancing in the mute room. "I'm going to fucking kill you. You thought your friends suffered? Well, I'm gonna torture you beyond belief. I swear to God-"

"Look at me" Emma said suddenly, Trent going silent as his forehead creased in confusion.

"What?" he snarled, his hands balling into fists as his eyes bore into hers. They still held no sign of fear, the lack of submission only enraging him further.

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