episode 7

52 9 38

Your Decision: Emma should follow Wesley's instinct and take the left door.

"Well?" Joanne echoed from where she stood to the right, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. Her icy blue eyes narrowed on her friend's, hoping that she'd take her side. Everything was slipping out of control, and trust was something rare. Joanne prayed that her friend could at least give her this confirmation.

Emma looked from Joanne to Wesley, studying the glimmer of fear in his green eyes. Reason told her to follow Joanne, but something tugged at her heart, telling her otherwise. "I think...I think we should go through the left door" Emma admitted, watching Joanne's eyes grow wide.

"Are you kidding me?" Joanne asked breathlessly, tears of frustration glimmering in her eyes. "You're going to trust him over me? After everything we've been through together?"

Emma bit her lower lip, her eyes cast on the floor. "Sorry. But I just- I feel it too. I think we should go through the left door." she shrugged, tracing her fingers over the make shift bandage that was tied around her arm.

Wesley hid the smile of relief that pulled at his lips, immensely gracious that someone believed him. He'd been having these feelings for years now, and they'd never lead him wrong. The night his cousin was murdered, Wesley had refused to leave the house. Only after begging relentlessly and promising ice cream could his cousin convince him to go. Wesley had claimed that something felt wrong. And as he later discovered, he'd been right.

"Griffin? Madison? Are you going to go with them too? Follow this stranger's feelings?" Joanne breathed in disbelief, her wide eyes searching for a sign of trust.

But Griffin shrugged his broad shoulders, rocking softly back and forth on his feet. "I'm gonna go with Emma. I think we should stick together" he muttered, casting his brown eyes on the floor.

"Me too" Madison chimed in a weak voice, her hands shaking softly as she tucked loose strands of chestnut hair behind her ears.

Joanne rolled her eyes, shaking her head in frustration. After releasing a large breath, Joanne gave a curt nod. "Fine. I guess I'll go too. But when one of us ends up dead, you can finally blame him" Joanne muttered, setting Wesley with a hateful glare.

"Great. Now that we're all besties, I think we should get a move on" Emma announced sarcastically, clapping her hands together to disperse the awkward silence. Everyone glanced up at her, shifting uncomfortably in the tense air. "Shall we?" she muttered to no one in particular before slipping through the left door, into the hallway.

A musty smell filled the heavy air, chills running down Emma's spine. Faint, natural light allowed the fuzzy outlines of the hall to be seen. Emma continued forward, her bare feet aching as they slid across the wooden floor. Her mind spun, wondering where the light was coming from. She didn't remember seeing a single window.

The four quickly joined her in the hall, the door swinging shut behind them, sealing their choice. Wesley swallowed his worries, praying that he'd made the right decision. His pace quickly increased until he stood next to Emma, meeting the gaze of her brown eyes. "Thanks" Wesley said quietly. "For listening" he clarified.

"Yeah" Emma agreed, offering a slight upward twitch of the lips. "I trust you, Wes, despite what others have been saying. Please, don't make me lose that trust" she breathed, a look of exhaustion sprawled across her shadowed features.

Wesley nodded, enclosing her hand in his before squeezing softly. "I won't. I promise I won't." he assured, devotion radiating from the green that filled his irises.

"Good." Emma responded, squeezing his hand back. A tiring ache ran through her muscles, the mental exhaustion from the mind games weighing heavily on her. She leaned against him, letting the warmth from his skin sooth her frazzled nerves.

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