episode 3

73 12 18

Your Decision: Emma should make a run for the door and try to escape to alert the police and her friends.

Emma's skin began to crawl, standing in the tense silence that was begging the man to hear her breathe. Digging her nails into the palms of her hands, Emma's heart began to beat to the rhythm of escape. There was no way the man wasn't going to look around and find her, so at least by running, she'd have a chance of making it out.

But just incase, Emma decided to make a back up plan. Quietly unlatching the front of her purse, Emma's hands slipped inside. Her fingers quickly brushed the glossy surface of her phone, her arm trembling with adrenaline. Without making a sound, Emma slowly extracted the object, holding it in front of her.

"Wesley, my dear boy, why do I feel as if you are hiding something from me?" the man asked in a sing song tune, the eerily cheerful voice making the hair on the back of Emma's neck stand on end.

Her fingers trembled violently as she put in her lock code, opening the phone app that rested in the upper left hand corner of her screen. "Because" Wesley said sharply, shifting under his restraints, "I just really want to run. Please, let me run."

The message was received, and Emma was ready to listen. She hit each of the three buttons, her thumb poised over the call button. But as soon as she hit call, she knew her phone would emit the sound of the operator on the other line. And then her cover would be blown.

Emma looked up from her bright screen, locking her eyes on the door. As soon as she hit the green button, she'd have to run. Hopefully she could make it to the door before the man caught up with her, but if she didn't, at least the police would be alerted of some kind of disturbance.

Closing her eyes, Emma gathered all the courage she had. And then she pressed the green button, the soft ringing sound shattering the silence. Emma's feet dug into the ground as she launched herself forwards, her arms swinging violently as she went for the sprint.

The man's head jerked to the side, his dark pits of eyes watching the source of the sound move behind the boxes. Wesley stared up at him with a smirk, a breath of relief escaping him as he knew that the man wouldn't be able to catch her, not now.

But the smirk quickly faded from Wesley's face as he stared up at the man that didn't even move. Something churned in Wesley's core, his eyebrows furrowing together. Wasn't he concerned that someone else was in here? Wasn't he going to at least try to catch her?

"They're gonna get you, you stupid son of a bitch" Wesley snarled as he lunged against his restraints once again, attempting to make the man flinch.

The man's masked face turned towards him before laughter exploded into the silence. Wesley shuttered at the joyous sound that escaped the man's covered mouth, watching as the villain threw his head back in laughter. "Oh Wesley, you couldn't be more wrong" he chuckled, miming the action of wiping tears from his eyes.

Emma reached the door, her trembling hand grabbing the handle while the other lifted the phone to her ear. Quickly glancing over her shoulder, Emma expected to see the masked face running after her with his knife in hand.

But only boxes lay behind her. Something was wrong. "911 what's your emergency?" a woman answered on the phone, the sane question music to Emma's ears.

Deciding that the lack of a chase was a blessing, Emma pulled on the handle. The door gave a reluctant groan before swinging open, allowing the cool air of the night to rush into the room.

Emma began to explain that, "A man is holding someone captive, I-"

But she was interrupted by a small shower of glitter. Emma's eyebrows pulled together in confusion, her eyes staring up at the small, nearly invisible, empty bucket that hung above her. Her brown eyes fluttered back down to her hands and phone that were covered with the small, golden dots that glimmered in the moonlight.

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