episode 21

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Your decision: Emma should invite the visitor in. 

    Sitting up, Emma pushed the covers off of her legs. "Uh, you can send them in." Emma decided, the curiosity in her thumping heart far too great to deny the visitor. She had severe trust issues, and she couldn't imagine a day going by without her being scared. But that sliver of bravery, although weathered, still lived on inside her. 

    The nurse nodded, offering her a warm smile. "Okay sweetheart. We have another nurse stationed outside of the room. If you need anything, just holler." he explained before dissapearing back into the hustle and bustle of the hospital that lay outside of her quiet room. 

    Emma slid closer to the edge of the mattress, her bandaged feet hovering over the ground. Lower lip clamped between her teeth, Emma slowly let them rest on the ground before gradually shifting her weight onto them. 

    A groan rose from her throat, dull pain seeping from the hidden wounds. Emma thought it was funny, how her feet were suddenly pained now, although she'd had to stand on them for days. Realizing this, she allowed her full force to balance on her feet, accepting the aching pain that lingered. 

    Reaching up, Emma ran her hands through her knotted blonde hair. Slowly she worked out the kinks, allowing it to fall in waves down her back. Nerves zipped through her body, her fidgeting hands smoothed out the paper thin hospital gown. 

    Emma took a shaky step towards the mirror that hung on the far wall, wondering what she looked like after the hell she had suffered through. Jumping, Emma stared at the stranger that stood in front of her. 

    The air seemed to vanish from her lungs, shock causing her to grip onto the counter for support. Her once whiskey color eyes were dark, her skin pale and fragile as paper. Emma's hair was muted, no signs of the golden highlights that appeared in the sun. A fat purple bruise swelled around her eye, along with other various scratches and bruises that dotted her skin. 

    Her hand fluttered to the bandages that peeked out from the gown. The phantom ache returned in her shoulder blade, the memory of the arrow ripping through her skin fresh in her mind. Shuddering, Emma dropped her hand back to the counter. 

    A knock sounded from the doorway, the energy for excitement drained from the broken girl. "Come in" Emma called darkly, sighing heavily as she ran her hands over her face. The door creaked open, a hesitant sound that rang through the small room. 

    Catching his reflection in the mirror, Emma was sure that she was dreaming. She was sure that she was under anesthesia, getting surgery while being plagued with horrible nightmares. It wouldn't be the first time that she'd seen him in her dreams. 

    So she stepped hard on her foot, choking down a wave of nausea that rose with the white hot pained that seared across her skin. As the pain receded, that feeling of shock stuck with her. Because that pain meant that this was real. He was really standing there. 

    Trembling, Emma turned around to face him. "Wesley?" she breathed, tears filling her eyes as her arched eyebrows rose in response to the ache that grew in her chest.

    Wesley stood in the doorway, a small smile on his face. "Hi Em" he whispered, his green eyes glimmering. Emma couldn't stop staring at him, at how-how alive he looked. His shaggy brown hair looked brilliant, reaching his thin eyebrows. His pink lips were pulled into a smile, small dimples on his flush cheeks. Through his light grey tee-shirt, Emma spotted the outline of the thick bandages that wrapped around his chest. But it didn't matter because he was alive.

    Emma blinked furiously, her eyes wide. Her heart hammered in her chest, lines of confusion painted across her forehead. "I don't-I thought- how are you-" Emma stuttered, her voice breathy as shock made breathing difficult. 

    A soft chuckle escaped Wesley, the sound music to her ears. "I think I passed out, from the shock of it all and the blood loss" Wesley explained, stepping further into the room. "I woke up, sluggish, in the middle of no where. I realized- I realized that you had kept your promise." 

   "Well I wasn't about the disobey the words of a dying man" Emma responded, feeling the shock slowly melt away as it was replaced with relief. "But how are you here? And okay?" she questioned, admiring the warm glow that clung to his skin. 

    "I got up. I don't know how, but I did. And I followed the road. I walked along that road until someone driving on the road saw me. They called the police and well, I ended up here. They patched me up and I told them what'd happened. How did you think the cops found the place?" Wesley wondered, Emma shrugging softly. 

    "So you're-you're okay? You're not gonna die?" Emma asked, feeling tears sting her throat as they climbed up from her chest. 

    Smiling, Wesley nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna make it. The bullet missed the important stuff. I'll need some physical therapy or whatever, but physically I'm just fine." Wesley explained, watching Emma nod slowly. 

    Emma let out a deep breath, feeling a beam of light break through the thick layers of darkness. "You're alive. You're-you're okay-" Emma voice broke, tears spilling from her eyes before running down her face. 

    Wesley rushed forwards, enclosing her in his arms. Sobs slipped from her lips as her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands gripping onto his shirt. "Shh, it's okay. It's okay Emma" Wesley soothed, hugging her tight while letting her sob into his shoulder. 

    "I thought you were dead! I thought I'd lost everyone. I can't-I can't believe you're okay. I'm so happy you're okay" Emma cried, her chest rising and falling with jerky breaths. "I thought I'd lost you too." 

    "No. You didn't lose me. You're not gonna lose me. We're gonna be okay. We made it Emma." Wesley comforted, pressing his lips against her temple. "It's going to be hard; getting back to normal. But you can do it, Em. We can do it. It's gonna be okay. Alright?" 

    "Okay" Emma breathed, sniffling softly as she leaned her forehead against his neck. His warmth seeped into her, melting the cold that clung to her skin. "Can we just stay here for a little while longer?" she whispered, feeling a soft chuckle vibrate in his chest. 

    "Of course we can. As long as you want" he promised, leaning his head against hers as he let his eyes fall shut. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he felt like he could close his eyes and not be afraid to open them. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he felt safe. 

    And Emma felt the same. The weight of Wesley's arms around her brought a sense of security that she'd thought she'd never feel. As of now, things began to look infinitely better. Emma had something to hold onto. She had someone to talk to, someone who knew exactly what she'd gone through. Emma had her anchor back. And she wasn't letting go. 

No choice needed.

A/N: Surprise! I was sneaky because when I wrote his "death statement" I said shot at a certain time. Never said he died ;) The next update will be the epilogue so get pumped my friends. Thanks for reading!

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