episode 5

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Your Decision: Emma and Wesley should investigate the source of the scream.

"Emma, we're not going anywhere until we wrap up your feet" Wesley persisted, although the muffled scream still echoed inside his skull, a dreadful curiosity gnawing at his heart.

Emma shook her head, narrowing her brown eyes on the shadows that hid the rest of the hallway. "I'm fine, Wes. Help me up" Emma responded, extending her hands. Wesley's eyes flared in objection, but he began to recognize that sign of determination that had set in her sharp jaw line.

Sighing in defeat, Wesley rose to his feet. He brushed his long, brown bangs from his forehead before extending his hands. Emma's fit perfectly into his, her thin fingers wrapping around his wrists. With a soft tug, Wesley lifted her to her feet.

A soft gasp slipped through her lips, a wince flashing across her face. Wesley's worried, hazel eyes studied her, his warm hands gripping her shoulders. After a moment, Emma caught her breath, flashing Wesley a comforting smile. "See? I'm alright" she nodded, reaching up where she placed her hand over his.

"If it hurts at any point, tell me. We'll stop and take care of it. Okay? You'll tell me?" Wesley asked, squeezing her shoulders with pleading eyes. He could barely believe that she was standing and walking with that amount of gashes in her feet.

But she was, and she insisted that she was fine. "Okay, Wes. Okay, I will." Emma smiled in adoration, pulling his hands from her shoulders. "Now c'mon. We've gotta go" she insisted, taking a shaky step forward.

She tried to hide it, but Wesley could see the pain that flashed in her eyes and pulled at her features. He took a step forward, locking his arm with hers. Exchanging no words, Emma gave him a glance that radiated gratitude. She would've never asked for help, no matter how much she needed it.

The muffled scream continued, the seemingly female cry bouncing off of the crumbling walls. Chills ran down Emma's spine, her arm tightening around Wesley's. The two ventured further down the dark hallway, the worn wood a lovely contrast to her previous path of glass.

Wesley's eyes traced the old wallpaper, noting the thick cobwebs that lined the ceiling. He wondered if someone lived here, or had in the past. He wondered why he had been brought here, instead of just being killed. As Wesley's imaginative mind ran, it quickly became apparent that whoever had done this had a much darker intent than just murder.

The wail rung out again, louder this time. Emma's heart jumped in her chest, that tingly sense of adrenaline pumping through her veins. A shaky breath slipped through her lips, Wesley's alert eyes meeting hers before returning to the shadows in front of them that only appeared to grow thicker. "We're almost there" Emma breathed, startled by the sound of her own voice in the silence.

Then the sound came again, but the cry was drawn out. The forlorn sound made Emma shudder, dread sinking like a rock in the pit of her stomach. Wesley's feet came to a stop, his eyes focused on the worn, wooden door that lay on the wall next to them.

"There" he breathed, his skin ghostly pale as his wide eyes focused on the sights of their investigation. His muscular arm tightened around Emma's, her hand squeezing his forearm where it had rested.

Taking a deep breath, Emma stepped forwards. Her fingers danced over the frigid, metal door knob before her hand enclosed it. Emma looked over her shoulder, pulling Wesley closer. "Together this time. We're not getting split up" she murmured, terror lining the rims of her eyes.

Wesley nodded, moving until his arm was pressed flush against hers. "On your go" Wesley whispered in an attempt to hide the fear that coursed through him. There was no guarantee of what they would find behind that door. There could be something gruesome, or someone that wanted them dead. But neither of them wanted to address that possibility.

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