episode 4

55 10 17

Your Decision: Emma and Wesley should venture out into the dark hallway, risking the dangers that may lurk in the shadows.

     Darkness seeped in from every crack in the dingy walls, crawling along the floor before its tendrils wrapped around their feet, growing until the shadowy vines wrapped around their throats. The slightly ajar door gave way to a seemingly endless pit of darkness, it's seemingly endless emptiness an outstretched hand. 

     Neither of them moved, their hearts hammering silently in their chests. They didn't want to leave the familiar room with the seemingly secure four walls that sheltered them. But there was something else inside, telling them that staying would seal their doom. 

     With a deep breath of courage, Emma looked into Wesley's wide eyes before giving him a nod. No matter how much they didn't like it, that darkness was their only option. They had to leave safety behind, in hopes that they could find freedom. 

     "We can't stay here" Emma said, daring to break the silence that had draped the room. Wesley's shoulders were rigid, his jaw clenched shut. "There's no chance of escape here. We have to go out there, like it or not." 

     Sighing softly, Wesley nodded before reaching up and running his hands over his face. "I know. You're right. I just don't like the looks of it" he muttered, shuddering softly as he stared down the shadows that danced and taunted him where they were safe from the fractured beams of light. 

     With that, Emma took the first step forward, and then another. The wooden floor boards creaked with each of her movements, notifying whatever may lay outside. Wesley followed after her, goosebumps rising on his skin at the eery cries of the floor, followed by the whine of the door that Emma pushed open further. 

      Emma's bare feet rested on the line of division, half of her body in the safety of the room, the other darkened by the shadows that wanted nothing more than to swallow her whole. Adrenaline filled her veins, fear making her knees grow weak. But warmth began to seep into her arm, her eyes finding Wesley standing next to her.

     The two of them stared into the darkness, arms pressed together in hopes that the other's warmth would be enough to thaw the chill that drifted through the house. Wesley's hand hung next to hers, itching to reach out and grab it, like he was drowning and she could pull him from the water. But he held back, instead curling his hand into a fist. 

     "Okay then. Let's go" Emma murmured, unable to stand the tension that weighed down the air around them. Wishing she could take Wesley's hand, Emma crossed her arms over her chest before stepping into the darkness.

     Wesley did the same, leaving the light behind and allowing himself to fall deeper into the depths of the shadows. A sharp slamming sound echoed through the hallway as the door swung shut, a soft yelp escaping Emma as her heart jumped. 

     The light was gone, cut off from the grips of the shadows that now enclosed them. Emma reached out, searching frantically in the dark. In a moment, she found Wesley's arm, grabbing onto it with everything she had. "It's okay" Wesley promised, pressing his hand over hers, knowing that it was far from okay. "Our eyes will adjust soon."

      Emma could barely stop herself from trembling, but she managed to nod. They had to keep going, no matter the fear or terror that threatened to ensnare them. If they wanted to escape, this was how they had to do it. 

     Stretching out her hand, Emma let her fingers brush against the surface of the wall. "We'll walk forwards, and I'll feel for some kind of door" Emma suggested in a hushed whisper, suddenly worried that someone would overhear them. 

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