episode 8

41 10 21

Your Decision: Emma should attempt to free Griffin from the rabid figure, risking her own life.

    Emma stood in place, her eyes wide with fear as shock pumped through her veins. Her mind screamed at her to run, to escape this horrid place while she still could. But her gut held her in place, forcing her to remember that it was Griffin, her best friend, calling for help. 

    Unable to leave her best friend, her brother, Emma moved forward before her mind even had time to process the decision. "Emma!" Wesley screamed in warning, Joanne's eyes wide with concern as she picked up on what Emma was doing. 

    The guy brought his fist down against Griffin's cheekbone once again, his head snapping roughly to the side as a thin mist of blood flew from his lips. A cry of pain escaped him, crimson blood trickling down his cheek where the skin had split. Anger filled Emma's heart, pumping her veins with a hot rage. 

    Blinded by this protectiveness, Emma ran towards the monstrous figure. Without a sound, she threw her body forward, slamming into the attacker. He was knocked to the ground, Emma tumbling over before quickly jumping back to her feet. 

    The deranged man rose up slowly, his ruby eyes focused solely on her. "Help him Wes" Emma called, eyeing Griffin who rolled onto his side, struggling to lift his shaking frame from the frigid ground. Wesley remained in place, his muscles tensed in horror. Emma couldn't take her eyes off the monster in front of her, fearing a sudden attack. "Do it!" Emma shouted, catching Wes' movement out of the corner of her eye. 

    Then the man lunged forward, releasing an inhuman snarl from his foaming mouth. Blood stained hands outstretched, his eyes were full of bloodlust, and his gaze was focused on Emma. 

    Emma tensed in fear, before adrenaline quickly took over. As soon as the man was close enough, Emma threw herself into action. Her hands grasped his shoulders, pulling him closer as she drove her knee up where it collided with his crotch. A loud groan escaped his mouth while his body folded in half. 

    Taking this opportunity, Emma jumped in the air before driving her elbow down onto the center of his back. Immediately he collapsed, his body flattening against the unforgiving ground. Panting vigorously, Emma took a step back before winding up, plowing her foot into his face. The foam that spilled from his lips turned red as it sprayed across the floor. 

    A soft groan escaped him, his eyes still fighting to remain open. Emma wound up once more, kicking his head where finally his eyes fell shut, rendering him still and silent. A shaky breath slipped through Emma's lips as she stepped back, the adrenaline draining from her trembling muscles. 

   She studied the guy's pale skin that was almost tinted green, observing the blood that crusted over his nose and ears. The bloody foam dripped down his chin, soaking into the white, torn tee-shirt that he wore. His strawberry blonde hair was tangled, one side matted to his head. Staring at his closed eyes and calm face, Emma felt a pang of compassion. 

    Looking up, Emma found the gaze of her four friends, mouths agape and eyes wide. "How the hell did you do that?" Joanne breathed from where she kneeled next to Griffin, a look of shock and awe swirling in her eyes. 

    "Do what?" Emma wondered, slightly out of breath as her body was quickly growing fatigued. Her feet ached in agreement, allowing sharp pain to crawl up the nerves that lead to her legs. 

    "You just took out that guy in like, four? five seconds? I didn't know you could do that" Joanne exclaimed, Madison nodding feverishly in agreement as she seemed to snap out of her shock induced trance. 

    Walking over to the group, Emma shrugged her shoulders. "I took R.A.D. in high school, and a few times in college. Those were just basic self defense moves. If you learn how to deliver them quickly and effectively, they can save you from most situations" Emma explained nonchalantly, shifting uncomfortably under their disbelieving stares. 

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