episode 2

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Your Decision: Emma should enter the building and help him escape the ropes, risking whatever lay inside. 

     Emma's eyes swept the empty alleyway once more, feeling adrenaline pulse through her veins. At the thought of leaving, guilt filled her stomach, bringing on a wave of a nausea. The guy's eyes were begging for help, and Emma couldn't bear to take the chance that something would happen to him while she went to call for help. 

     Taking a deep breath, Emma nodded. One foot at a time, Emma entered the warehouse that reeked of sterile alcohol. The door clicked softly behind her, her heart jumping with anxiety. She clenched her hands at her sides, holding her breath as she listened for any footsteps. 

     Only the sound of the guy's breath filled the quiet room, confirming that they were alone. Emma ran across the concrete floor until she found herself standing in front of him. The bright light glistened on the crimson blood, the bruises looking much harsher. 

     "Thank you. Thank you" he panted as a tear slipped down his cheek, gratitude beaming in his hazel eyes. Emma reached into her purse, pulling out the pocket knife that her father had always insisted she carried around. She would have to remember to thank him later. 

    The knife flipped open before she pressed it against the zip tie that held his feet together. After a moment of pressure, the rip tie gave with a small snap. His feet immediately spread apart, bruises already forming a ring around his ankles. Emma stood up quickly, taking the course rope into her hands. The small knife lay in front of her, a pulse of doubt in her mind as she sized up the large task. 

     But never the less, she could sense that time was running out. So she dug the knife under the rope, moving it quickly back and forth in an attempt to free him. "What's your name?" the guy whispered, letting his head fall against the back of the chair. 

     Emma let her eyes dance up to his, holding his gaze for only a moment before returning to the ropes. "Emma" she answered, watching with delight as the main knot broke. "What's yours?" she questioned, taking the heavy rope in her hands as she began to pull it away. 

     "Wesley" he grinned, starting to shift as the constrictive ropes left his body. 

      "What happened to you? How did you get here?" Emma wondered as she dropped the rest of the ropes onto the ground. Her eyes fell upon the last bit of binding that held his wrists to the chair, disappointment weighing down her heart. 

      "I was with my friends. We-we were here on spring break. We went to this club, and there was a lot of drinking, and-and glitter. My friends and I got invited back to this beach party, and of course we went. But the last thing I remember was getting really tired, and just kind of passing out. Next thing I know, I'm here" Wesley whispered, his eyes falling shut. 

     Eyes growing wide, Emma's heart skipped a beat. "My friends- we were at a bar. They said they were going to a beach party too. You don't think...you don't think that something's happened to them, do you?" Emma breathed as worry trembled in her voice. 

     Wesley's face darkened, the harsh light casted upon his pale skin. "I can't say for sure. But I'd be concerned Emma. If you help me out of these ropes, we can go to the police station and-"

     His voice dropped off, the room going silent. Wesley clenched his jaw shut, his eyes wide in warning. Chills danced down Emma's spine, raising goosebumps on her skin. A sick sense of fear pulsed in her stomach, seeping upwards where it constricted her throat. 

     "He's coming back" Wesley whispered, shaking his head in panic. Eyes darting back up to her, Wesley realized his life was no longer the only one at stake. "Emma, hide. You need to hide." he ordered, his voice lacking that familiar tone of fear. 

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