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     I have been sitting on this brown leather couch for at lest 45 minutes now. This office is so dull, bookshelves, family photos, a big luxurious desk, bad art, and don't forget about the tacky figurines. I knew they were talking and it most likely was important, but I could not give two shits at what they had to say.

     "Celeste?" I herd the lawyers high pitch voice shriek.

     "ma'am?" I looked up at the short brunette. Her black pencil skirt matched her black blazer perfectly along with her heels, the only pop of color was the white blouse under her blazer. She tries way to hard to fit this whole lawyer stereo type.

     "I know this is really hard for you, but will you please tell us what happened that night " Her eyes were laced with fake sincerity, something I have been getting for a week know.

     I looked at my grandmother sitting next to the lawyer on the matching love seat across from me and my brothers. " Why me?" I asked looking my grandmother straight in the eye.

     "Well, we need a statement from every one who was there" she smiled, her eyes remaining the same shade of 'sincerity' as she tapped her pin against her open blue notebook.

     I clinched my jaw and took a deep breath. "Like I said int he hosipitaI, don't remember" I lied

"Really?" The lawyer said as she leaned forward

"I can tell you what I remember." Oliver suggested

     As Oliver told her what he remember that night played in my head. He was driving, Margret was in the passenger seat, I was on the left side of the back seat and Karmin was on the right. Oliver was behind me in the very back and Karsyn was behind Kar  I paused and looked up, trying to stop the voices but it wouldn't stop We were driving down an old back road, the drive was ruff but that was to be expected with him driving. The wheels screeched, glass shattered, the next thing I know I was looking over to see Karmin covered head  to toe in blood. Karsyn, Oliver, and Margret were all unconscious. I felt a shooting pain in my side but I wouldn't look down. My whole body hurt but I was to scared to look at my self. I herd him cursing before yanking the passenger door open. tears began to stream out of my eyes as I found my self back In the position I was in a week ago. He checked Margret's pulse before yelling In her face and running away from the car. I unbuckled my seat belt and I felt for Karmin's pulse That was all it took I was gone in my memory's  " I-I Couldn't ...I c-couldn't f-find it" I said before losing it.

     "Its ok Cam, Its ok" Oliver said before rocking me slightly in his arms. Every one was giving me the same look of sadness even my brothers who were there. I looked at the lawyer with a look of anger.

     Every one looked so confused, I told them I didn't remeber, all I said out loud was one sentence. I stood up, whipping the tears from my face, even though they were far from done falling. I began my walk out of the dull lifeless office when I herd her voice.

      "Celeste,  I am really sorry. I should not have.."  I cut her off

     "Don't call me that" I said in a stern voice as I looked down. " I am not doing any thing else with this case, I will not testify, I will not tell you any thing else. I am so fucking done with this shit" I said as my tears spilled out of my angry eyes. I ran out of the office and through the maze of a building before I finally reached the glass front door.  I walked out of the doors panting and got in to the antic car my grandmother gave me on my 16th birthday. I drove home slowly, trying to stop the tears.

     I arrived at my grandmothers mansion of a house,  I ran around back and through the back yard till I reach the barn. It was old, and there was spray paint covering the outside walls due to me and my lovely hobbies. An odd number of instruments sat hanging on the back wall  or on the floor next to it. on the first story, a few worn out couches sat against the left wall which Karmin had hung Christmas lights. A large crate we used as a table sat in front of the couches. In the corner was two huge book shelves,  One filled with board games, art supplies, etc. The other was filled with CDs and a Cd player.  The barn was filled with shit my siblings and I  had pilled in there over the years. I ran to the punching bag in the corner and continued to hit it till I had finally lost my strength. I fiddled with the paints and canvas along with my favorite guitar. By night I had finally grew enough strength to walk inside. I walked through the back door to  see my grandmother and grandfather sitting on the couch talking. They paused as soon as they saw me, like I was a metal singer walking through the doors of a catholic church.

     "Cam....." My grandmother started

     "Stop don't call me that" I said

     "Celeste, stop that shit. I know you miss her, we all do. She called you Cam as well, and you sure as hell are not changing or going by anything else. She is not here, but we both know she would slap the shit out of you for even trying" My grandmother said standing up.

    I looked down and took another deep breath." I am going to my room" I said as I walked the steps to the second floor. I was going to walk into my room but I couldn't just pass hers. I walked in the room, her walks were covered in purple, her furniture was painted in white and her bad was covered in black with a  wall covered in chalkboard paint behind it. She has clothes thrown all over the floor, she was far from neat. 

    "I am sorry" I herd my grandmother mumbled from the door way.

    "for what?"

    "I sent you to his house every time, I didn't notice, How the hell did I not notice" She sat on the bed as tear filled her eyes. "I could have stopped that" She said

    "Bullshit, he covered his ass and we helped him. you could not have done shit, but we could have" I said holding her hand.

     "You were scared, this is not your fault, this is his, that basterd took her away" My grandmother cried.  We sat on her bad and cried that whole night, we talked about memory's and the stupid shit we did. we talked and talked until we fell asleep on her bed. 

Shout out to eddsworldforlife for being my first comment!!!

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