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     I was sitting in the blue leather chair by Karsyn's hospital bed. He sat up picking at the gross hospital food in front of him. He wore a white hospital gown and his brown hair was a mess. He had woken up a few days ago, the doctor said he is showing improvement, but I can't help but to think how much that really means at this point. My phone buzzed in my lap.

From:unkown (hey its Ace)

To: unknown (who?)

From: unkown (we met at the cliff the other day?)

To: Ace  (oh yeah, what do you need?)

From: Ace (you wanna hang out maybe?)

     No, definitely not, I want nothing to do with you.

To: Ace (I am kinda doing something)

From: Ace (what? How about after)

    Oh I'm just hanging with my older brother who has cancer. No, I don't wanna miss his death.

To: Ace (chores)

From Ace (please, that can't take all day)

    Bitch, let it go, I want nothing to do with you

    "Celeste? I didn't know you were going to be here" my grandmother smiled as she walked through the hospital rooms door. 

    "Yeah, I went to that doctor" I smiled

    "Did she help, she is the best in town according to your doctor, maybe we could go as a family, or just you and your brothers?" Grandma kept talking for a while, about therapy and how it will help me. Which is how I found my self on my way to the address Ace had given me.

    "Hey, Cam!" Ace said as he opened the red door of his house. He didn't live far from me at all, only a block or two away. Which is close considering were I live. His house was large and Victorian like ours but minus the farm and woods. 

    "Hello" I said with a small smile" behind his legs was a little girl, no older than 10. She had his light brown hair, but her eyes were dark brown.

     "Mason!, who is at the door" I herd a deep female Irish accent.

     "Its a friend!" Ace said pulling me in the house.

     "You have friends?" A young teenage boy with blond hair and blue eyes said. He was tall, but not as tall as Ace.

     "Haha, that's so funny" Ace teased "you wanna go to my room? Not In a pervy way of coarse" He laughed. I could see out of the corner of my eye that his siblings began rolling there eyes and teasing Ace with kissing noises and winks. 

     "Sure" I felt every siblings eyes on me.  He grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs. His room was a tad bit messy, boxes were shoved I'm corners and his bed was just covered in light blue sheets and dark blue pillows while his dark blue converter lay on the floor. Your so relaxed,  you can stay in this clutter with comfort. Clutter, not trash, no dishes, no dirt, just clutter. His furniture shared the same dark stained wood along with sevrial things shoved on top of each piece. 

 "Wow, you love to analyze" Ace smirked

"I always have" I answered 

"Yeah I see you as a hard thinker." Ace commented 

    " yeah, so why did you wanna hang out" I asked sitting in his black office chair by his desk.

    "Well I don't wanna say I have no friends and I'm lonely. So I will stick with you look cool. " He said his voice thick with his accent.

     "How long have you been here?" I asked swinging slightly in the chair.

    "Beginning of summer" he sat on his unmade bed. "Why were you at the cliff?"

     Why is he asking? Does he know? Does he just wanna hear me say it? No, isn't the type  "Just thinking" I murmured.

     "You wanna go?" He smiled. I stood up and fallowed him threw the house. I gestured to my car and we both got in. 

     The drive was quite as Nirvana filled the silence. We pulled up to my usual parking spot and made the usual trip to the cliffs edge. 

    "How long have you known about this place?" Ace questioned as we looked down at the crashing waves.

    "About a...." My answer was cut short by a feminine scream. We looked at each other and hopped up from the cliffs edge. "Oh my god " along with other screams filled the once peaceful air. Ace and I ran threw the woods fallowing the sound. "Call nine one one!" This voice was deep formilure and laced with panic. "Is she dead?" "Oh my god" "were is the phone?" There voices jumbled as I ran down the forest covered mountain. What if its her? it can't be. I'm not ready to see this again. I felt two arms rap around my waist. At that point full panic set in, I kicked until I herd the Irish accent.

     "Slow the fuck down, this hill is steep" Ace put me down and grabbed my hand. We made it to the edge of the water, in the sand a half dozen teens stood around in a circle. They were all in there swim suits, water trickling off there wet hair and down there backs,  they all had a since of fear and grief in there faces. I began to panic, I knew that look way to well . "What's going on lads?" Mason asked not letting go of my hand. I knew what they were going to say. They all looked up in horror "we found a body" my legs felt weak and my head began to spin. I herd sirens speeding closer and closer, And for the first time I saw it. Leaning over Margaret's pale blue wet body was Jason. He searched for a pulse, he look frantic, scared,sad, I could almost feel his heart beat from feet away. He look like me only a few weeks ago, as he checked for a pulse we knew wasn't there.

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