Chapter One

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Angie POV

Don't you hate it when your friends keep secrets from you? When you come up to them and they just stop talking? Don't you hate the feeling that you feel like they aren't real friends? Well, do me a favor and be a real friend. This is my story from different point of views.


It was the first day of school in 2014. A lot has happened since the past semester.

People have bonded, people have pulled apart, and people grew stronger together. In our school, there are groups of people but, almost everyone is friends or at least were friends. People think that drama comes from just one or two people but that's not true. The drama comes from everyone.

My mom pulled up to the school gate. "Bye Mom!" I said as she started driving away.

"Bye! Love you!" My little brother shouted from his car seat.

I walked to the school steps and waved when I saw my friend Lauren. "Hey Lauren!"

I walked inside where she was standing by the heater desperately trying to keep warm in our freezing cold San Francisco weather.

"Hi Angie!" she said cheerfully while rubbing her hands together to keep warm.

"Ready for whatever that's going to happen today?" I walked over to the heater where it was much warmer.


We were on some rocky ground today, we were not sure what was going to happen to us. Three weeks ago in 2013, one of our classmates got really mad at us for 'targeting' him in four square.

Our friend Josh was on rocky ground too. He was accused for 'smiling'. I know pathetic. But that's just the way our grade is. Always accusing people.

Lauren POV

Do you ever feel like your not wanted in this world? Like if you killed yourself people would cheer? Maybe that's how I feel.

(Lauren's user name is @twilightwood, read her stories!)

I feel like I could only trust certain people. Only my Real Friends, the friends that don't talk behind my back friends that don't call me a gossiper, hollister bitch, fat, slut, I could go on forever, the list is that long. I hate it when I 'become friends' with someone and they talk behind my back. They call me names and use me.


I pulled my textbook out of my locker, closed my locker quietly and put my lock back on. "There! Now I don't need to go to my locker."

"Okay, lets go outside," Angie slammed her locker shut and shoved her books into her backpack. We walked outside and we saw more of our classmates come into the school and stand by the stairs outside in the cold. The buses had come already so the bell was going to ring soon.

"Hi guys!" Our friend Jamie said as she walked into school.

"Hi Jamie," I said and turned back to talk to Angie. "I am sooooo scared!" I whispered to her while rubbing my hands to keep warm.

"Don't worry, it's not like he's going to beat us up or something."

I chose a bad time to look for Josh to see if he was here yet. I have the worst timing. Not only did I not see Josh but I saw the boy who probably wanted to kill us.

"Angie, incoming."

"Turn away," she said quickly and we both turned the other way as he walked towards us.

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