Chapter Seven

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Angie POV

I walked into the school gates to find a mad/happy Lauren. "Soooo, yesterday Luke texted me," she paused to see my reaction. Her texting Luke was totally normal so I didn't move a muscle. "And he was interviewing me why I COULDN'T DO TRACK. He said some of my friends told him to convince me to do track. SOUND FAMILIAR?"

"Uhhhh, Ummmm, maybe it sounds a bit familiar" I said smiling and flinching at the same time as Lauren glared at me. "Fine it was Sky and I and Sky asked him to convince you and I agreed,"

"Wow. Thanks and he interrupted me when I was stalking Tayler Caniff and NOBODY, except you, Sky and Hope, interrupts me when I'm stalking Tayler Caniff," Lauren said.

I laughed "Oh, that's why you mad because he distracted you from your stalking?"

"Yes," she pouted and crossed her arms.

"Omg! Carter is sooooo cute!" said Jamie as she walked towards us.

"Yeah he's cute but Tayler Caniff is way hotter," Lauren said

"I don't like Tayler," Jamie said, Lauren gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.


"I don't like Tayler Caniff," Jamie repeated. Lauren sighed and turned away from our little circle.

"How could she not like Tayler Caniff?" she asked me.

"I don't know, I don't like him,"

Lauren looked at me with her mouth open in disbelief.

Lauren POV

I was still surprised as the bell rang. How could Jamie not like Tayler Caniff? I don't know and I don't really care right now.

"Lauren, I have a picture of you wearing a red shirt and a beanie," Tyler, one of my classmates told me.

"Why do you have a picture of me?"

"Somebody sent it to me,"

"Okay that's weird," I walked over to were Angie was standing and quickly told her what just happened.


I glanced over at Lauren and saw her talking to Angie. "Hey Jamie!" I said and leaned her way just to annoy her, the results were instant she automatically pulled away and I saw her give a 'save me' look to Angie. Angie smiled and went back to being serious to whatever Lauren was telling her. Hmmmmmm. What could they be talking about? Well I don't really care. I started copying Jamie's movements because she was moving her hands up and down and it looked really funny.


After we got dismissed from all our classes it was time for lunch. "Do you have a student council meeting today?" Angie asked Lauren.

"Not today!" Lauren replied and we stood up and walked outside for outdoor lunch. Great. I hated outdoor lunch. We sat down at the table and pulled our lunches out. Lauren and Angie sat near the window and I sat next to Jamie and Sabrina.

"Oh my god! Did you know that all the teachers came to see my show?" said our little actress Olivia.

"Really! Cool," said Jamie and took a bite of her sandwich. We started our lunchtime with chatter everyday. This was looking like a pretty good day until it happened.

Lauren POV

I took a spoonful of my delicious pasta, it was really good. I was about to take another one when I heard some people shout


Angie and I ducked and an ORANGE splattered just over our heads. We looked up in shock. Seriously, who's immature enough to throw an orange at us? We turned the way we sort of saw were it came from and saw the people we mostly didn't want to see. The people who can turn your day from GOOD TO BAD in a short time of an hour. Who was it?


Authors note:

Well, you have to read to find out! Sorry with the slow updates and the cliffhanger. There's romance stuff and drama coming soon. Thanks and please vote and comment!!!


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