Chapter Five

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Jamie POV

Why was everyone acting so weird? At recess everyone was talking to me and suddenly they ran away giggling. Was everyone mad at me? I sighed and walked into my next class.

"Today we are going to move all the seats." our elective teacher said.

"Yay..." said Lauren as we sat down at the table. I could see Angie shaking her head at Josh. Why is she doing that? I sighed and sat down at an empty seat.

The whole period we sat in our seats waiting for our teacher to tell us what to do. Our teacher wanted us to help move the room around and fix it the way he wanted it and he asked for volunteers to move things around. I didn't volunteer for anything. Besides, nobody wants to move tables anyway.

I could see Angie walking over to talk to Josh he was holding a piece of paper that looked like his will. His face was tomato red and Angie kept on laughing at him. Hmmmmm, was he acting weird because he was going to ask something to someone? It was valentines day after all.

Angie POV

I glanced over at Jamie and saw that she was sitting in a chair not to far away from Josh. "Are you really going to ask her?" I asked him.


"Ummm, just wondering but what grade are you in?" I questioned him.

He looked at me weirdly, "Sixth but-"

"Your not even a teenager yet and you want to go out with someone who would be so cute with you," I interrupted him.

"I know. But now that everyone knows, its sort of weird if I don't ask her. People will think I can't do any thing,"

"I'm sorry, I already think that," I said smiling.


"Yes, but what if you guys break up and it's a bad breakup and you have your friends fighting and choosing sides?"

"Would you be on my side?" he asked me raising his eyebrows.

"Of course. But other people I'm not so sure about," I told him.

"Maybe, I might ask. I might not," he said.

"Who do you think Sabrina will side with?" I asked him.

He tapped his chin with his finger, "Well, I've known her since preschool,"

I sighed mentally face palming my head, "Yeah, but who is her best friend in this school?"

"Jamie but-,"

"Exactly, and who do you think she is going to choose?" I interrupted him again.

"Jamie, whatever,"

"Okay Josh, if you want to do this I'm totally on your side but if you don't I'll be on your side. Do you want to do this or not?" I asked him.

"I do,"

"Okay then. I hope she says yes" I said going back to my seat.

Josh POV

The questions that Angie asked me were bouncing around in my head. Should I? Should I not? Should I? Should I not? I had no idea. Maybe she was right, we are to young for this. I don't know. I glanced at my watch. 12:57. Yes! Almost done with this class I stared at the teacher waiting for him to dismiss us. Come On! I urged him with my brain. "Please put up your chairs and go out to PE," the teacher said finally. I quickly put my chair up and ran outside before any of my friends could ask me "Are you going to do it?"

"Today we are doing the fitness circuit," our PE teacher told us when we all got outside.

"Noooooo!" Lauren whispered to Sky and Angie.

"We are mixing it up today," the teacher said. By mixing it up she meant mixing classes and playing/exercising together.

After PE Angie ran up to me. "Are you going to ask her?" she asked me eyeing the note clutched in my hand. I nodded and Charlie came over.

"Ready man?" he asked we were going to work on our science project after school.

"Almost, just gotta give something to someone," I said. He nodded also spying the note in my hand. I took a deep breath and made my way to Jamie's locker. I was about to give it to her when Sabrina came up. Damn it! Lost my chance as Sabrina pulled her away talking to her about going somewhere after school. Sigh, I gave up.

"Here Sabrina can you give this to Jamie?" I asked her and handed her the note.

She smiled "Is this the-,"

"Yes, shut up,"

"Okay," Sabrina said surprised and she walked over to Jamie and handed her the note. I quickly walked to where Charlie was standing.

"Nice man, give it to the friend," he said shaking his head disappointingly.

"Sorry Mr. Mind your own business,"

Lauren POV

What is Jamie going to say?

After Josh asked Jamie out she asked for my opinion. "Well, if it was me I wouldn't go out with him," I told her.

"Well, I think we're to young," Angie said.

"Sixth grade is not to young," said Charlie.

"Yes it is," Angie argued.

"Whatever stop arguing already," I sighed and walked to the bus line. I quickly got out my phone and texted Josh.

Lauren-What did she say?

Josh-Nothing yet

Lauren-Okay text me what she says.

I got off the bus and went to golf.

After golf I looked at my phone and saw that my notifications were blowing up. I stared at my phone. Really guys? Sigh. I looked who would bother to send me 50 messages in two hours. Luke and Josh. I checked Josh's first. I wanted to see what Jamie said.




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